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Learn recommendations to avoid Covid-19 and other respiratory infections

  • In 2024, there will also be seasonal increases in respiratory diseases; for Manizales, the month of January was characteristic, associated with local festivities.
  • In addition to Covid-19, other respiratory viruses such as influenza, RSV, adenovirus and rhinovirus circulate in the region.

The Manizales Public Health Secretariat reports that despite a decrease in reported cases during 2024, the risk of contracting Covid-19 and other respiratory infections persists in our city.

Although the number of hospitalizations and severe cases has decreased compared to 2023, it is crucial to remain vigilant and maintain preventive measures for self-care.

Over the past eight weeks, there has been an average of two to three cases per week: these cases coincide with an expected frequency at the national level, since Covid-19 has not ceased to exist, it simply began to behave with fluctuating trends.

The last death directly caused by Covid-19 of a Manizales resident occurred in January 2024.

We invite you to put into practice these simple but effective guidelines:

  1. Frequent handwashing: wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Hands are a vehicle for transporting viruses and bacteria between the environment and people’s faces and mucous membranes. Manizales adopted the Clean Hands, More Health strategy as a public measure through Agreement 1027 of 2019.
  2. Respiratory etiquette: Covering your mouth and nose with a disposable tissue when coughing or sneezing, or using the inside of your elbow, reduces the spread of viruses between people and in the air around the person who sneezes or coughs. Dispose of disposable tissues, do not use them indefinitely.
  3. Physical distancing: keep a safe distance from other people, especially in crowded places, less proximity means less chance of contagion.
  4. Vaccination: Stay up to date with your Covid-19 and influenza vaccines, this is the fundamental pillar of self-care.
  5. Wearing a mask: Consider wearing a mask in crowded or poorly ventilated settings, especially if you are at high risk for severe illness. Wear a mask if you have respiratory symptoms.
  6. Ventilation of everyday spaces: It is useful to improve ventilation in interior spaces by opening windows and doors whenever possible; adequate ventilation removes viruses from the environment.
  7. Avoid crowds: limit attendance at crowded public spaces to reduce the risk of contagion.
  8. Self-isolation: If you have symptoms, it is essential to isolate yourself to avoid infecting others, wear a mask.

There is no mandatory mask mandate as before, but it is recommended for people over 60 years of age with comorbidities, especially on public transport and in healthcare settings such as clinics and/or hospitals.

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