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Learn How Jose Saved 200 Euros on His Mortgage in Asturias

Jose, a neighbor of Asturiascommented in the month of November, in ‘La Tarde’ the method you followed to save up to 200 euros on your mortgage. Furthermore, it is a trick that he has learned from his own experience because, as he explains, it is the second mortgage he has embarked on. She also went through the COPE microphones to analyze it Patricia Suárez, president of INSUFFICIENTwhich valued the power of the Euribor.

And many of us have reached what is called “mortgage stress”, when we have to allocate 35% or more of the money that comes into the house to pay the mortgage. There is no money left for other essential expenses for the family and it is estimated that 20% of families in Spain that have mortgages are already in this situation. Whoever has had to review their mortgage now, the monthly payment has increased by 200 euros, to that we must add the increase in prices of everything else.

This calculation is made on the average mortgage, which is 140,000 euros to be returned in about 24 or 25 years, and with a Euribor differential of +1 point.

2023-09-19 18:27:40
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