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“Learn gun” they trampled on US Congress, next aims for Biden’s inauguration

“If it’s not Trump, then war”
“Biden will return with weapons to prevent entry into the White House”

Concerns about violent protests before and after Biden’s inauguration
Far-rights urge violent protests online
Protesters caught possessing plastic handcuffs and pistols

Concerns have been raised that violent protests by supporters of President Donald Trump could recur before and after the inauguration of the next President Joe Biden in the United States. This is because, after the invasion of the federal parliament on the 6th, there have been a lot of writings by the far right promoting violent behavior online. The police are speeding up the investigation by arresting the suspects who led the protests. However, there are warnings that a bigger bloodshed could take place around the inauguration ceremony.

Trump supporters gathered in Washington, DC on the 6th (local time). [AP=연합뉴스]

– The Washington Post (WP) on the 9th (local time) reported that “the far right, including Trump supporters, are preparing for the next plan after the invasion of the Federal Assembly.” did.

According to local media such as WP, over the past few weeks, articles encouraging anti-Biden protests have been posted online, such as,’Let’s promote a march of 1 million militias as Biden-elect is imminent.’

On the 6th, supporters of Trump broke into the federal parliament and waved the flag. [EPA =연합뉴스]

On the 6th, supporters of Trump broke into the federal parliament and waved the flag. [EPA =연합뉴스]

– These posts with the hashtag #StormTheCapitol are spreading around right-wing social media (SNS) and right-wing sites such as’Parler’ and’TheDonald.com’.

The Alethea Group, which analyzes false information online, also said in a recent post on a far-right organization’s site that claims to take stronger action after the invasion of Congress are spreading. According to the analysis, they argue that they must show off their power through physical force.

On the 6th (local time), suspect Jacob Anthony Chansley (center), who was arrested for causing a riot by leading an invasion of the US Congress, wearing a horn hat.  [AFP =연합뉴스]

On the 6th (local time), suspect Jacob Anthony Chansley (center), who was arrested for causing a riot by leading an invasion of the US Congress, wearing a horn hat. [AFP =연합뉴스]

– The texts include “armed marching towards the state legislature as well as Washington, DC on the 17th, the last Sunday before the inauguration,” “If you don’t know how to shoot, learn now”, “Strike a government building to kill the police and demand a recount.” It contains content that promotes violence. Another article argued that an event should be held in memory of Trump supporter Ashley Babbitt, who died in the shooting during the incident.

Protesters and lawmakers are threatened with murder

– Experts who have read online articles by far-rights believe that “it is likely that the invasion of the federal parliament on the 6th is the beginning, not the end.” It is an analysis that those who successfully assess the invasion of parliament will gain confidence and take action more intensely.

Cindy Otis, an information analyst from the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), assessed the intrusion of Congress as a’tinder box’ (tinder box) and said, “The United States is in a close situation.”

Trump supporters enter the office of U.S. House Speaker Nancy Palosi on the 6th and are in a riot. [AFP=연합뉴스]

Trump supporters enter the office of U.S. House Speaker Nancy Palosi on the 6th and are in a riot. [AFP=연합뉴스]

He said in an online article by far-right factions, “The federal assembly protests are only the beginning of an inevitable civil war and revolution.” It is also big,” he warned. The US Public Radio Broadcasting (NPR) also reported that online articles threatening lawmakers such as “Kill Mike Pence” and “Tell Pelosi that we are going” are steadily coming up.

In fact, according to the WP, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is also investigating whether congressional intrusion protesters have attempted to kill or take hostages. This is because evidence was discovered that some of the protesters had planned in advance, such as carrying cable ties, plastic handcuffs, and pistols to tie wires together.

In the midst of this, a man who broke into the parliament wearing a woolly hat with a horn and another man who waved his hand holding a speech stand by Chairman Nancy Pelosi were also arrested by the police. It is reported that those who are accused of leading the intrusion protests have been actively active online, usually raising various conspiracy theories.

Adam Johnson was arrested on charges of intruding into Congress, including taking a speech by Chairman Nancy Pelosi. [AFP=연합뉴스]

Adam Johnson was arrested on charges of intruding into Congress, including taking a speech by Chairman Nancy Pelosi. [AFP=연합뉴스]

US security authorities are also tense. Washington, DC, declared a state of emergency throughout the city until its inauguration ceremony. It is also considering allowing the guards to possess weapons on the day of Biden’s inauguration ceremony.

Congressman Raja Krishnamurti, Illinois, said, “Looking at the sequence of events that took place before and after the invasion of Congress, we must open up the possibility of even greater violent protests.” Said.

Reporter Lee Min-jung [email protected]

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