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Learn from Croatia during forest fires – Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district

Firefighters from the region receive further training near Split and learn interesting facts about tactics, equipment and risks.

. The risk of forest fires in the region around Freiburg has been high due to the heat in the past few days. According to the forest fire risk index of the German weather service, the situation will ease over the course of the week, but the local fire brigades are dedicating themselves to the issue more intensively. A trip to Croatia also took place recently, during which some military personnel were able to receive further training on site. This course was also intended as a thank you for the earthquake aid that was provided by the region’s defense services in 2020.

Fighting forest fires is becoming increasingly explosive due to the current events in Brandenburg in Germany. The Staufen fire brigade commander Rainer Brinkmann therefore took the opportunity to train with his Croatian fire brigade colleagues in May – he wants to spread the knowledge he gained there in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district.
20 representatives of the state fire brigade association, the state fire brigade school and the fire departments from Bad Krozingen, Schallstadt, Staufen, Freiburg, Elzach, Kenzingen, Kehl and Hofstetten traveled around 1200 kilometers to Croatia near Split. With …

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