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Learn about the seasonal fruit diet and how to apply it

Most nutritionists advise individuals to consume fruits and vegetables in their seasons, with their choice of organic, meaning that fertilizers and chemicals are not added to them, during their planting. Of course, seasonal crops differ according to geography, and the following article provides an overview of the seasonal fruit diet, which is currently popular in Arab countries according to “Webb medicine”.

The apples

Its fruits are known for their health benefits, especially as they contain anti-oxidants, which helps to get rid of carcinogens in the bodies. Fruits also fight the bad effects of “cholesterol” in bodies, the substance that can accumulate in the arteries, and may lead to clogging of the arteries of the heart. An indication that several studies have reported that a medium-sized apple contains five times more fiber than the daily requirement for each body, for the purpose of cleaning the digestive system.

Apples are dear to many, so nutritionist and health management specialist Rana Abu Murad invites readers to choose a medium sized piece of it, full and good, to be eaten by the individual per day, immediately after eating.


Its fruits contain a large proportion of mineral salts (potassium, calcium, phosphorous) and organic acids that are important for digestion, and they are slightly rich in protein, vitamins (especially A and C) and fiber. And pear fruits help in lowering blood pressure somewhat, as they contain magnesium. It is worth noting that apples and pears contain “pectin”, a substance that facilitates the work of the digestive system and intestines, as well as relieves diarrhea. In addition, the sugar present in pears and apples does not negatively affect diabetes cases.

Therefore, the specialist advises Abu Murad to eat a pear, immediately after eating, every day.


Its fruits are rich in fiber, which helps get rid of the fats accumulated in the stomachs, if individuals eat them in moderation, and pay attention to the amount of fats that enters their bodies and exercise. The aforementioned fruits are also associated with several benefits, such as lowering the level of “cholesterol” in the blood, and preventing many types of cancer, and diseases that affect the nerves, especially the “Alzheimer”. An indication that the benefits of abundant fruits are no justification for eating their fruits in excess; It is necessary to take into account the portions recommended by the dietitian for each individual, and the appropriate time to eat them, either directly after eating for diabetics, or as a snack two hours after the main meal.

The specialist invites Abu Murad to eat half a cup of berries a day.


Its fruits contribute to lowering high blood pressure, and it promotes the health of hearts and bones, and prevents constipation, as well as adjusting the blood sugar level to some extent. An indication that a small piece of fig contains about 30 calories, and figs are rich in sugar.

The specialist advises Abu Murad to eat figs, in moderation, because they are rich in sugar, especially for those with diabetes. In general, you should not eat more than 3 small figs (or a large one), immediately after any main meal.


Its fruits are known for their richness in vitamin C, an antioxidant that protects against “influenza,” so they frequently eat (whole) or drink their juice, in September and after.

The specialist advises Abu Murad to eat a medium-sized orange, per day, or half a cup of its juice.


Fruit is healthy and sweet, and has amazing health benefits. Its fruits clean the blood circulation in the bodies, and because they contain iron and phosphorous, they represent a catalyst in the production of new blood cells, therefore, eating jujube is very useful, in cases of anemia. Generally speaking, regular consumption of natural sources rich in potassium, phosphorus and iron, such as jujube fruits, leads to maintaining strong and healthy bones, and to strengthening immunity, as the mentioned fruits are rich in antioxidants, especially vitamins A and C. The role of vitamin C in enhancing the production of white blood cells is known, and it is the body’s first line of immune defense. The fruits of the jujube help their consumption in losing extra weight, because they are low in calories, and for every hundred grams of them, about 79 calories, and they contain proteins and fibers, which helps in feeling full. It also relieves stress and improves sleep quality.

The specialist advises Abu Murad to eat a small handful of jujube, equivalent to 12 grains of it, daily, but diabetics should be warned of excessive intake of its fruits, because it contains complex carbohydrates. In rare cases, some individuals may experience an allergy to eating blueberries.

Seasonal vegetables

September vegetables include: zucchini, pumpkin (butternut squash), cabbage, radishes, cauliflower, eggplant, tomatoes, carrots, beets and potatoes … In this context, the nutritionist and health management officer Rana Abu Murad calls for sterilizing fruits and vegetables well before eating them, and stresses the importance of including seasonal vegetables in Everyday dishes for weight loss. As for fruits, a maximum of one or two servings of them can be eaten by the females, and three portions by the males, after meals, in order to reduce the percentage of fructose absorption.

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