68% vaccination, forfirefighters is 59%.hope: the governorannounces a millionaire fund forback rent.is focused 100% of thehomemade.mariela salgado usexplain how it works.where does the need foroffer this new fund ofhelp.mariela: what happens is that thehomemakers stayed out of theaid programemergency, which has already granted$804,000,000.the federal requirement was thatwill participate.in the process ofapplication. many tenantsthey didn’t, that left outthese landlords who haveeconomic needs.as well as you, thegovernor hochul announces aprogram with 125,000,000 ofhelp focused on landlords.Let’s go to see the graph.let’s talk about thisassistance program thatprovides payment of back rentfor up to 12 months.during the first 45 daysHomemade priority will be givensmall property ownersand medium, with less than 20units.they are going to have to try withdocumentation that they have hadlate payments afterMarch 1.obviously we are talking about Marchlast year when it got worsethe pandemic. we talked with therepresentative of theowners so nolose their mortgages.what happens when the125,000,000?>> we know that this amount does not goto cover all the need thatthere are.but it will help manyproperty owners,especially those that are fromlow resources.we will not rest untilsearch for resources.wings of 20 units I canapply to one?>> first they will give priorityto people who have lessof 20 units, if there are wings of20 units can be that yourapplication is seen afterthis.reporter: why is it givenpriority to unitslittle?>> we see it daily inour offices peoplemost affected are the little oneshomeowners, who live offday to day.mariela: that’s why we talked toone of those people.Let’s listen to this landlady.how that money would change himthings?>> there is already help fortenants, we are quite a few.people are latewith one year of income.it would help a lot for usas homeowners forget along with ourmortgage.mariela: how much do they owe you inrent?>> in the press, the peoplethey pay 1800 and the person does not payone year and four months.mariela: the state has preparedan internet page wherewe enter to put theproof. there you can see if you canApply.you can do it starting today.for more information, go tostate page.