Home » News » Learn about the program that seeks to avoid traffic accidents, with education, to save lives in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

Learn about the program that seeks to avoid traffic accidents, with education, to save lives in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

tripled in the past month. Yescases continue to increase,specific places.an initiative enters into forcethat educates driversreckless in new york.Peter Ortega tells us howthis program was born and in whatit consists, in what waywould help save lives ofpedestrians and cyclists.of a program of the city ofnew york to educatereckless drivers.this legislation wasintroduced in 2018, topurpose of an accident thattook place in brooklyn where imeeting.a driver read a lightred causing the death of twokids. their mothers turned outwounds, one wore a beé onthe belly also died.the law comes pronoun“reduction programdangerous vehicles “,will apply to drivers whohave accumulated five fines inred traffic light or that have beensurprised drivingspeeding 15 timessince October 2020.>> one of the coffees I takesecond, what can happen nextfor that educational programunderstand that theus, but above allprotect pedestrians andcyclists.the presentation and projection ofa film called “know howhis family lived here. “talks about five families thatthey lost their lives forreckless drivers.>> they want to pass you byabove, because I have seen.peter: the idea is that the video15 minutes attractshearts of those whoreceive, establishing apersonal connection for thembetween their driving habitsand how do they affect thedeás.>> is a good way toraise awareness indrivers, may theyavoid accidents.peter: the first group ofthe course is last monthabout 4000 and people

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