giselle: good night!hope: it is a verypoetic in time of debate.giselle: one in fiveMiguel Aquino suffers fromemotional problems,pandemic has not been organization offers one ofmental health counseling bythe acts of the covid.eva úñez is the administrator of themental health programacacia network.hope: tell us howthis initiative works.eva: the initiative is forRecent New Townyork.hope: how does it work?eva: works by means of aprogram, with affiliates we areproviding these services ofpandemic crisisof covid19 for ourcommunity.hope: counseling isaonym?eva: and free.hope: anyonewhat do you want to apply for thisinitiative can do it.eva: we provide emotional support,crisis counseling to giveinformation on resources in thecommunity, to recognize theemotions caused bypandemic developstress management mechanismsand crisis, help in theemotional recovery,identify and supporthope: especially with thepandemic, there are people whoare suffering from anxiety aboutloss of job, tooa loss of a loved one.How did I do with all thesethings?eva: the pandemic, the communityhas been super affected byall these changes.lack of work,drastic changes withrelatives, children.there are projects like these thatprovide mental health services tocommunity.provide you with the helpnecessary when they need it,free and confidential.hope: a person who isinterested in receiving this typefor help, where do you have tocall, what website do you have toappeal?eva: contact informationit’s 915 wesh cwestchester avenue.the phone number was the71847876 tips 8.You can go to the page ofacacia network internet.there they can get theresources needed toreceive that help or helpadditional mental health.hope is only for theresidents of the city ofNew York or is it to the statefrom New York.anyone who residesin the state, you can apply forthis help.eva: absolutely, help isprovides in person or by