The American (Al-Hurra) channel stated that the authority approved the federal government to distribute the drug (bamlanivimab) to health departments in the United States, stressing that this drug is not allowed to be given to difficult cases of Corona patients, who need to be placed on a respirator.

Last month, the United States allocated 300 thousand doses of the experimental drug, and also paid $ 375 million to the company to produce this drug, and under this license, people of 12 years or more, and weighing 40 kilograms, will be allowed to obtain this drug.

And the Donald Trump government had already announced at the end of last October the purchase of 300,000 doses of this drug called Bamlanivimab.

It is an antibody treatment recommended for patients who have recently been diagnosed with the emerging coronavirus, and who have not been hospitalized or need oxygen, because it has shown no benefits in this type of person.

It has shown benefits in people over the age of 65 and those with chronic diseases, who are the groups most affected by the epidemic.

“While evaluating the safety and effectiveness of this experimental treatment continues, clinical trials have shown that pamlanifemab reduces hospital admission due to (Covid-19), and emergency visits for patients at high risk,” the US Food and Drug Administration said in a statement.

The American pharmaceutical company must deliver to the government 300 thousand doses, purchased for $ 375 million, within two months, according to what was announced last October after the contract was signed between the two parties.

Trump said during his recovery nearly a month ago that Eli Lilly was one of the most promising treatments in dealing with the epidemic.

Then the outgoing president was treated with antibody therapy (Regeneron), who also requested approval for emergency use, and the remdesivir antiviral, produced by Gilead Sciences, who recently obtained a final permit to treat patients (Covid-19).

This approval for emergency use comes on the same day that the United States has exceeded 10 million cases of the emerging coronavirus, and has already recorded more than 238,000 deaths, more than any other country in the world.

It is noteworthy that the American drug company Pfizer announced that its vaccine trials for (Covid-19) showed an effectiveness of more than 90%.

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