Home » Health » Learn about the benefits of honey, the most prominent of which is the promotion of heart and nervous system health

Learn about the benefits of honey, the most prominent of which is the promotion of heart and nervous system health

The benefits of honey are endless, it is a natural sweetener, and honey comes in more than 300 different types in color and flavor. For many, honey is an ideal substitute for sugar and a great addition to tea, but did you know that honey comes with many health benefits as well? Not only can honey be taken orally to improve a cough or sore throat, but it can also be used topically to help treat mild burns and injuries, in this report we learn about the benefits of honey, according to the website chicagotribune“.

benifits of Honey

The benefits of honey come as it contains a mixture of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants. Moreover, it possesses anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.

Heart health

Regular consumption of honey can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, even for those at greater risk. Honey can lower triglyceride levels, leading to heart disease, improving healthy cholesterol, and lowering blood sugar.

It can also reduce levels of the reactive protein C Thus, reducing the chances of a heart attack due to inflammation of the heart arteries.

Prevent cough and soothing sore throat

Honey’s antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties can soothe sore throats and relieve coughs in children and adults and this makes it a natural alternative to common cold and cough medicine, especially for children who are too young to take over-the-counter medicines.

Healing wounds and burns

Medicinal honey can be used topically to treat burns and wounds that have become infected after surgery, in large part due to the natural hydrogen peroxide it contains.

It is also known to cure skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.

Neurological health

Raw honey contains anticonvulsant, antidepressant, and anxiolytic properties that may contribute to overall neurological health. Some studies indicate that it may help improve memory function.

Digestive health

Due to its antibacterial properties, pure honey can also be used to help relieve acid reflux, stomach ulcers and diarrhea, as well as aid in digestion.

Oral health

According to Healthline Dark honey like Manuka honey can eliminate harmful mouth bacteria and fight plaque, tooth decay, gingivitis and gingivitis.

Dark honey versus light honey

Light honey tends to have a milder flavor compared to dark honey but when it comes to health benefits, dark honey is usually less watery than light honey and most importantly, it contains more antioxidants than its lighter counterpart, which means that the types of honey Dark tends to have more effective properties than light honey.

Some common dark honeys include buckwheat honey and manuka honey.Common light honeys include acacia and alfalfa.

Although dark honey contains a greater amount of antioxidants, antibacterial properties, and vitamins, both options work as a great sugar substitute.

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