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Learn about the agricultural credit line for Black, Afro-Colombian, Raizales and / or Palenqueras communities (NARP)

The Agrarian Bank with resources from Finagro has this special credit line available.

If you are a small or medium producer, a member of black, Afro-Colombian, Raizales or Palenqueras communities, and you have the Ministry of Interior certification, you can request the special credit line from Banco Agrario with resources from Finagro to finance your productive project.

Small and medium producers who are members of black, Afro-Colombian, Raizales and / or Palenqueras communities can benefit from this line of credit. Likewise, associative and integration schemes headed by community councils, black, Afro-Colombian, Raizal and / or Palanqueras communities or whoever takes their place.

To be a beneficiary of the rate, the producer must be registered with the Directorate of Affairs for Black Communities of the Ministry of the Interior

¿What activities can you finance?

The activities that can be financed in this LEC correspond to: support services, the sowing of short-cycle crops, the sowing and maintenance of perennial crops, livestock production, the marketing of agricultural production, the transformation of agricultural production, machinery, infrastructure and adaptation of land and complementary activities of agricultural production.

Term of credit and subsidy

The maximum period for granting the subsidy will be up to three (3) years, except for the sowing and maintenance of perennial crops which may be up to five (5) years and Machinery, infrastructure and land adequacy which may be up to eight (8) years. In any case, the term for granting the subsidy may not exceed the term of the credit.


The subsidized interest rates (IBR) of the loans granted for the execution of this credit line are up to IBR – 2%.

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