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Learn about influenza treatment recipes and relieve cold symptoms with natural ingredients from your kitchen

Many influenza recipes can be prepared in the beginning with simple ingredients found in every kitchen. It is known that the cold spreads widely in the winter and with the changing seasons of the year, and doctors recommend trying to control the flu before its development, we offer you the easiest effective recipes to try it on your own.

Flu treatment prescriptions


Basil works to reduce the severity of the flu and the symptoms associated with it, such as coughing. It is used in the manufacture of many herbal medicines to calm coughs and phlegm solvents. It also helps relieve sore throat and purifies the airways. Basil leaves are filtered, filtered, and eaten warm.

Cinnamon and honey

Cinnamon has anti-inflammatory properties that make it one of the best recipes for treating the flu at home. It is also anti-bacteria, viruses and oxidation, and it protects against colds. A tablespoon of a quarter of a teaspoon of cinnamon powder is mixed with a tablespoon of honey and take one teaspoon twice a day from this mixture for a period of time. 3 days in a row.

Ginger and lemon

Ginger is known for its richness in antioxidants, fungi and viruses, so it is advised to take ginger drink to relieve sore throat and reduce cough, fresh ginger is boiled and filtered, in addition to honey and lemon honey because it contains vitamin C, which is useful in treating colds.


Turmeric is characterized by the presence of antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, as it contains curcumin is effective in resisting viruses and bacteria and eliminating cough quickly, a little turmeric powder is added to a cup of warm milk every day.

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