Marketing resilience is an increasingly critical issue. This area of business, like many others, faces multiple challenges and difficulties associated with today’s complex environment.
It doesn’t matter if you practice sophisticated Digital Marketing strategies or if you are developing a traditional offline marketing campaign, your marketing team will not be free from adverse situations and great challenges, so you need to have resilience!
But, exactly, what does this concept consist of? And how does it work and become tangible in companies? And, above all, how to orient it to marketing?
If you have these doubts, you are in the right place! Here we will address each of these points so that you can finally become resilient in marketing!
Keep reading!
For sure, what does it mean to be resilient?
Traditionally, resilience was also known as integrity, since it refers to the ability of people to overcome adverse situations and, despite them, obtain positive results.
This concept has transcended in such a way that today it is much more than a psychological term and we are also talking about resilience in marketing and companies in general.
And is that business dynamics is like life itselfIt is wonderful, exciting and offers every day the possibility to do something great, but it also poses challenges, unwanted events and complex contexts.
How does resilience work in companies?
In companies, resilience is a factor of growth, continuous improvement and consolidation in the markets.
Like people, it helps them to obtain positive results in the midst of challenging situations, as well as to adapt to new realities and challenges.
But, how can a company take on a value like this and make it palpable? The answer, a priori, is simple: fostering it in its organizational culture and, consequently, in each of its members.
Of course, in practice, achieving this is not a matter of a snap of the fingers, but a process that demands discipline, effort and paradigm shift. Next, you will see in a concrete way how it is applied in the marketing area. Let’s continue!
5 ways to apply resilience in marketing
As you can see, regardless of whether it is a E-commerce, a factory or any other business, resilience in marketing is an essential factor, which can practically be valued as an element of survival.
To apply this relevant value, marketing teams and their members have to pursue different principles, philosophies and approaches that promote adaptability and good performance in adverse contexts. We refer to:
1. Be flexible and mold to circumstances
Forever “marrying” old paradigms, always following the same approach – regardless of the circumstances – and not embracing change or opportunities for improvement are anti-values for the resilient mindset.
Unlike, to be resilient in marketing you need to be flexible and open up your prospects. Only in this way will you be able to develop the inclination to adapt to the circumstances, without this implying uncertainty, fear and a kind of “blocking” of the team’s professional skills.
2. Take a proactive attitude towards problems
Resilience, at the business level, is not a purely reactionary philosophy, that is, it is not just about waiting for problems to arise in order to face them.
It also involves changing and striving to improve so that these setbacks do not happen or, at least, so that the damages and impacts associated with them are much less and do not affect the service, the shopping experience and other strategic elements.
In other words, resilience in marketing also demands an anticipatory attitude, especially modifying certain processes, actions and methods before they cause negative results.
And it is that fear of change and resilience will never go hand in hand. This philosophy demands leaders and professionals who are always prepared to step out of their comfort zone.
3. Turn mistakes into learning
Yes, just a few lines ago we talked about taking an anticipatory stance and changing to avoid problems, but let’s face it, mistakes, failures and unwanted events will always occur. Remember: it is part of life, and also of business dynamics.
Luckily, when negative things happen that we don’t want or expect, marketing resilience is there to help us too. In fact, it is these contexts when this value makes itself felt the most.
For resilience in situations of error and failure, the principle is clear: turn mistakes into learning.
Instead of letting frustration and discouragement take over your marketing team, take mistakes with a rational approach and analyze them together to find learning points within them. Don’t forget the essence of resilience: getting positive results amidst obstacles.
4. Find solutions that satisfy the customer
Successful results, when we talk about marketing, are associated with positive impacts on the user experience, which contribute to customer retention.
Therefore, to When looking for solutions to problems and making changes in the face of a mistake, the resilient approach always does so with the customer in mind.
Resilient companies are flexible and always move the pieces of the board to improve their position, while at the same time being careful enough to prevent changes from generating rejection in their audience.
This is why it is key to constantly communicate with your users, obtain information from them through interactive content and, in general, listen and feel the customer’s “voice”.
5. Focus on innovation and new opportunities
This is another of the pillars of the proactive attitude associated with resilience in marketing and at the business level in general.
A team with this value remains focused on finding sources of innovation in its market segment, which allows it to make positive changes and take advantage of new opportunities without fear of failure or unexpected situations that always arise in growth paths.
And good! You already know, for sure, what resilience is in marketing and how to apply it in your field of work and professional performance.
Good luck! Remember that the key is to put aside the old paradigms and embrace change, improvement, improvement and innovation.
Did that content meet your expectations? Are you already feeling more resilient? If you want to continue nourishing yourself with valuable information for your challenges in the exciting universe of marketing, do not hesitate to read our post “Inbound Marketing Trends for 2021: a guide to start the year attracting customers”!