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“Leaps in Time”: A Musical Journey through Ancient and Modern Works at Willich’s Church of the Resurrection

The Emmaus choir Willich in front of the cathedral in Chartres (Photo: private)

I want to. A colorful program with many well-known favorite songs and some “catchy tunes” awaits the listeners on Sunday, June 4th at 6 p.m. in the Willicher Auferstehungskirche (Krusestraße).

The concert has the motto “time leaps” and takes up the theme “Now is the time” of this year’s Ev. Kirchentag in Nuremberg, where all the participants will be traveling to in order to present the varied concert there twice.

The program includes works from ancient and modern times for choir and organ as well as flute, guitar and cajon. Including three world premieres by Johannes Falkenstein and Toni Ulrich.

You can also hear texts by Frank Maibaum from his publication “Das Zeitbuch”, which appeared on the occasion of the millennium.

The performers are the SingProject Niederrhein, made up of members of the Emmaus-Kantorei Willich and the Young Choir, as well as Susanne Weber-Spickers (flute), Bernd Herbrand (guitar), Olaf Stahl (cajon) and Toni Ulrich (piano and organ).

The direction is in the hands of Emmaus cantor Klaus-Peter Pfeifer.

Admission to this concert is free. At the exit there is a collection for sacred music.

Leaps in time – music from old and new times
Sunday 4 June 2023
6 p.m. Church of the Resurrection in Willich
Admission free!

SingProject Niederrhein made up of members of the Emmaus Kantorei Willich and the Young Choir
Susanne Weber-Spickers(flute), Bernd Herbrand(guitar), Olaf Stahl(cajon), Toni Ulrich(piano and organ)

Musical direction:
Emmaus cantor Klaus-Peter Pfeifer

Admission is free! At the exit, the church music of the congregation is collected.

To sue

2023-05-27 19:36:27
#Leaps #time #music #times #LokalKlick.eu

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