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Leaked list provides insight into selection of Uyghurs for camps | NOW

A leaked list from the Chinese authorities provides insight into how they select Uyghurs for the detention camps in Xinjiang province. The list true Humans Rights Watch Wednesday about report, contains information from more than two thousand Uyghurs who ended up in such a camp.

The 2018 list includes names and telephone numbers of Uyghurs that have been identified and selected through a data program (IJOP). For example, wearing religious clothing, turning off a phone regularly, or “unstable thoughts” makes someone stand out. At the beginning of this year, one leaked similar list out via BBC News.

“We see the IJOP in action for the first time in detaining people,” says Humans Rights Watch of the Aska prefecture list. According to the human rights organization, this provides “further insight into how technology has fueled China’s brutal repression of Muslims in Sinkiang.”

It is not known how Humans Rights Watch got onto the list. A spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a response that the report was not worth refuting. According to him, the organization is “full of bias”.

Million Uyghurs detained in detention camps

Human rights organizations and United Nations experts say that at least one million ethnic Uyghurs, the majority of whom are Muslim and speak the Turkish language, have at one point been held in one of the high-security camps.

However, according to China, these are education and training centers where people stay voluntarily. It is said that all Uyghurs have now “passed” and are now back home. Whether these centers are actually closed cannot be independently confirmed as there is limited access to the camps.

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