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Lead generation in B2B at the online club evening of Marketing Club Austria

Vienna (A) The most recent online event of the Marketing Club Austria revolved around “Lead generation in B2B” and was dedicated to the sub-disciplines of personas, qualification of leads and customer journeys. “In short, it is important to turn potential buyers into real and, above all, loyal buyers,” said board member and moderator of the evening, Katharina Sigl, opening the discussions and asking very well-versed questions that delved deep into the subject.

The quintessence and the hybrid customer
The discussion started with Sandra Schallerl, Marketing Manager at Weidmüller GmbH. Schallerl sees the quintessence in the fact that the right person sees the right content at the right time: “At the moment it is difficult to say whether one should only rely on personas in the future. The hybrid customer not only decides on their own initiative, but is also driven by many external factors that one would not have expected. “When Sigl asked whether it is even possible to process all personas involved in the decision-making process, Schallerl says: “Yes, with certain focus products, such as my TOP 3, this is definitely possible.”

What artificial intelligence can do
“Personas make sense because they are concentrated and represent a good level of abstraction,” says Franz Juen, CEO of Quomatic.ai GmbH. He is convinced that one should not work according to the watering can principle: “The more specific and focused the personas are defined, the easier it is to control the campaigns afterwards. That is why AI (Artificial Intelligence) is exactly the right engine to generate them, of course provided that the right data sources are available. “

Trust is the most important thing
“In the B2B area, the question of how risk-prone a person is plays a major role. How important is trust for you and how can it be won? ”, Erwin Hemetsberger, neuromarket researcher and founder of the ExCentric company, sees the issue from a psychological point of view. “Once these criteria have been defined, they can be processed for the entire customer journey. This information is then used not only for internal communication, but also for product development! “

Digital is not the answer to everything
“Not every touchpoint is suitable for every persona. For some, a LinkedIn post counts, for others it is a wholesale newsletter that you should be present in, ”says Markus Schnedl, Senior Product Owner & Digital Projects Lead Mondi, summarizing his findings. “And here it is the art to focus on the right touchpoints and to map them correctly in the customer journey. You shouldn’t fall into the trap that digital communication is the real deal, it can also be a print advertisement. “

Events for marketing experts
Up to 100 listeners followed this exciting and very accomplished online club evening, which was broadcast via zoom and Facebook stream, live from their computer. All interested parties can still find the recording on the Facebook page of the Marketing Club Austria. The next workshop is dedicated to the topic of “Digital communication as a driver of corporate success – what role does content marketing play in this?” And will take place on November 23rd exclusively for members. On November 30th, the four most important communication associations in Austria will join forces again and organize the joint specialist event “Marketing Circle Austria ‘Berufsbild Marketing'”.

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