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Le Potentiel: “State of siege in North Kivu and Ituri, the European Council reiterates its support for the DRC”

The question of the state of siege continues to interest international and national organizations, as well as groups and political parties of all tendencies. In the DRC, the particularity is that this decision of the President of the Republic seems to meet the consent of all Congolese and all Congolese. The press broaches this subject Thursday, May 20.

About the state of siege The potential explains: concretely, the army and the national police now administer them, for a period of thirty days. Such a measure is obviously a novelty in a country which has never known how to put an end to the appalling violence that populations have suffered since the mid-1990s.

And the newspaper announces that the European Council reaffirms its support for this measure which is applied in North Kivu and Ituri. It means in the low words that Europe is also in a positive perception, contrary to the declarations “deniers” of the Rwandan president, Paul Kagame, on the crimes committed in the east of the DRC. Words that raised an outcry among the Congolese populations as well as elsewhere.

For the President of the European Council, President Tshisekedi’s decision on the state of siege in the provinces of Ituri and North Kivu is not at all military. It is therefore an imperative choice which implies in particular respect for human rights and the effects on the ground.

Also giving his opinion on the state of siege, André-Alain Atundu of the Common Front for Congo (FCC) thinks that only the confidence of the people in their leaders and the government’s faith in their abilities will prevent the FARDC from suffering the worst of defeats, moral defeat, reports the newspaper The future.

In view of the complexity of the situation in the provinces of North Kivu and Ituri, he thinks that the 30 days of the state of siege are proving insignificant. The minimum duration should be at least 3 months to guarantee the effectiveness of this presidential decision.

One of the fruits of the state, indicates Dispatch.cd, it is the release of 11 young boys maliciously recruited by fighters of Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), in South Kivu.

They are now free thanks to the assistance of the armed forces in the territory of Beni, North Kivu. According to Lieutenant Antony Mwalushay, spokesperson for Sokola 1 operations who presented them to the press on Thursday, May 20, these young people should be ambushed by ADF fighters to be taken into the bush.

Dossier Kalev Mutondo

The Tribunal de grande instance of Gombe (TGI / Gombe) declared itself incompetent, reports Prosperity, indicating that “counters reset”!

He was General Administrator of the National Intelligence Agency (ANR) when the alleged facts arose. His rank was equivalent to that of a Director in Public Administration, the newspaper explains.

In view of these elements, the Tribunal de Grande Instance of Kinshasa / Gombe, in rendering its verdict this Thursday, May 20, 2021, during a public and solemn hearing, relinquished this case by declaring itself incompetent to judge, nor to examine the merits of the Kalev Mutondo case.

The public prosecutor also considered that the defendant Kalev Mutondo should not be taken to court by direct summons from the civil parties either. He should be prosecuted by a request from the public prosecutor, complete Forum des As.

During the hearing of May 10, the public prosecutor raised an objection of incompetence of the TGI Kinshasa Gombe to try Kalev Mutond. A means which led the judges to suspend the instruction to pronounce on the competence of their jurisdiction, recalls 7sur7.cd

The trial opposing the former AG of the ANR and the president of the bar JC Mbuyambo had been opened on Monday May 3 at the Kinshasa Gombe tribunal de grande instance.

In another register, La Tempête des tropiques announces: “Félix Tshisekedi expected at the G7 and G20 Summits from 11 to 13 June, he will be in the United Kingdom”.

At the very beneficial Paris summit, the President of the DRC was able to obtain a bonus of more than one billion USD, capable of covering all the unforeseen expenses of his governance. Under his hat as the President of the African Union, he makes the countries of the black continent benefit from the solidarity of the planetary giants who will agree, in the coming days, on certain principles in close collaboration with him.

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