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Le Pen in Avignon, Macron in Le Havre, Holland on TF1… The 5 news you will hear about on Thursday

6:31 p.m., April 13, 2022

1. Le Pen at a meeting in Avignon, Macron in Le Havre with Philippe

Marine Le Pen will hold her first meeting of the between-two-rounds tomorrow evening in Avignon. In this city of Vaucluse, Jean-Luc Mélenchon came out on top with 37% of the vote ahead of Emmanuel Macron (20%) and Marine Le Pen (19%). In 2017, the Insoumis had made 28%, against 21% for Marine Le Pen and a little less than 21% for the candidate of En Marche.
For his part, Emmanuel Macron will go tomorrow to Le Havre, stronghold of Édouard Philippe, which also placed Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the lead on the evening of the first round. Traveling with his former Prime Minister, he will notably discuss the issue of ecology.

2. François Hollande speaks on TF1 news

After Nicolas Sarkozy who announced last night his support for Emmanuel Macron, another former president must speak tomorrow evening on the second round of the presidential election. François Hollande will answer questions from Gilles Bouleau on the 20-hour newscast of TF1. This week, three former Socialist Prime Ministers, Lionel Jospin, Jean-Marc Ayrault and Bernard Cazeneuve, announced their support for Emmanuel Macron for the April 24 election. Bertrand Delanoë, PS predecessor of Anne Hidalgo as mayor of Paris, also called on France Inter to vote for the outgoing president. “I do not idealize Emmanuel Macron even if I have esteem and friendship for him”, he explained, also considering that “Ms. Le Pen thinks quietly what Éric Zemmour says out loud”.

3. Denouement for Sigfox, fallen star of French Tech

Sigfox, the former French nugget of the Internet of Things, placed in receivership on January 26, should be fixed tomorrow on the name of its buyer. The company on the board of directors chaired by Anne Lauvergeon, former boss of Areva, already provided coverage for 60 countries around the world. Failing to find new investors and the hundreds of millions needed to continue the deployment of its network, it had to declare itself insolvent. Two of the nine candidates for the takeover of Sigfox stand out. Unabiz, Singaporean company founded by two French ex-Sigfox employees is preferred. Bercy would lean for the option Oteis, building technology consulting group.

4. Cannes selects

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