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Le Matin – Launch of construction work for the Cités des Métiers et des Métiers in Tangier and Béni Mellal

The Office for Vocational Training and Work Promotion (OFPPT) announced on Monday the launch of construction work on the Cités des métiers et des métiers (CMC) in the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceïma and Béni Mellal-Khénifra regions . The two Cities, whose delivery is scheduled in 20 months, will be erected on land of 12 and 15 hectares made available by the regions concerned respectively in the cities of Tangier and Béni Mellal, the OFPPT said in a press release, letting it be known that all preventive health measures will be put in place and respected on construction sites in order to fight against the pandemic of the new coronavirus (Covid-19). Designed to guarantee a training offer that meets the current and future specificities of each of the two regions, the CMCs will provide, annually, accommodation capacities of 3,250 trainees for Tanger-Tétouan-Al Hoceïma and 2,920 for Béni Mellal-Khénifra. The realization of the CMC Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceïma will mobilize a budgetary envelope of 480 million dirhams, with a contribution from the region of 78 million DH. In total, 330 million DH are dedicated to studies and construction work. As for Béni Mellal-Khénifra, the project requires an investment of 390 million DH, with a contribution from the region of 90 million DH, said the press release, adding that 265 million DH are devoted to the realization of studies and construction works. The two Cities will be equipped with an innovative spatial charter and high-tech equipment bringing the training spaces closer to the reality of the company, able to promote the employability of young people and the creation of value in the regions. They offer diversified and inclusive training offers through a wide range of training courses, the majority of which represent new specialties: 87 courses for Tanger-Tétouan-Al Hoceïma, of which 73% are new, and 77 courses for Béni Mellal- Khenifra, half of which relates to new professions. The two training offers will cover the three levels (Qualification, Technician and Specialized Technician) accessible to different targets, in addition to a large choice of short-term qualifying training. Organized into sectoral poles, the two Cities will include several poles, namely “Industry” (with a mini production chain for Tangier), “Management & Commerce” with a virtual simulation company, “Digital & Offshoring” with a Digital Factory , “Tourism & Hospitality” with an educational hotel and “Agriculture & Agro-industry” with an educational farm. The Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceïma CMC will include a “fishing” pole and another “health” center with a simulation center, while that of Béni Mellal-Khénifra will have “Logistics and Transport” poles with driving tracks, “ Building and public works (BTP) ”with a smart house and“ Crafts ”.

In addition to the sectoral centers dedicated to the learning of trades, the CMCs will have spaces devoted to language learning, the strengthening of soft skills and the development of entrepreneurial skills. They will also house trainee homes, with accommodation capacities of 450 beds and covered for the CMC Tanger-Tétouan-Al Hoceïma and 380 beds and covered for the CMC Béni-Mellal-Khénifra. These projects are part of the Program for the creation of 12 Cités des Métiers et des Compétences by 2023-2024, in accordance with the new roadmap for the development of the vocational training sector, presented in April 2019 to His Majesty the King

Mohammed VI.

It should be remembered that the start of the first construction site, relating to the CMC Souss-Massa, was given by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, in Agadir, on February 6, 2020. The second site, concerning the Oriental region, also started in Nador on June 29. In order to best meet the needs of regional economic ecosystems, the planned training offers have been decided in consultation with professionals and local stakeholders, through a series of workshops for reflection and discussion.

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