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Le Havre bouquets fishermen called to testify for a scientific study

The bouquet is caught on all the rocky coasts of Normandy. On the way to becoming an emblem for the region, it is coveted by professional fishermen as well as by shore fishermen. A preliminary survey carried out in 2019 revealed a significant lack of data on the biology and ecology of the bouquet on the entire Normandy coast.

For sustainable management

A scientific study, financed by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) and coordinated by the SMEL (Sea and Coastal Synergy), has therefore just been launched over a period of three years to try to provide answers. and set up sustainable management of the bouquet in Normandy.

The study focuses on three areas: better understanding the biology and ecology of the bouquet (reproduction, growth, food, mortality …), evaluating the impact of anthropogenic inputs on this species (climate change, pollution, etc. .) and finally the importance of the bouquet in Normandy (socio-economic and anthropological study).

In partnership with environmental education associations, Aquacaux submits a questionnaire to professional and amateur fishermen who so wish. Initially, these questionnaires were carried out on the fishing grounds, but since the confinement, no more fishermen! ” However, bouquets fishermen friends in Normandy, we need you to give us your opinion on this species and give your testimony. So you can contact us by phone or email to answer the questionnaire. », Invite the members of Aquacaux.


Gwenn Couprie – Aquacaux : 02 35 46 04 97 or [email protected]

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