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Lazio in the yellow zone from 3 January

Only officiality is missing but the councilor for health Alessio D’Amato has already made the announcement: “From Monday there will be a change of color to yellow. A decisive increase is expected. Let’s celebrate with caution and in compliance with the rules”. So the increase in infections and the bitter records of recent weeks, where there have been constant increases in new cases of Covid19 bring Lazio, as already happens for seven other Italian regions (Liguria, Marche, Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Calabria, the autonomous province of Trento and that of Bolzano) in the yellow zone from 3 January 2022, with three other regions that should change from white to yellow (Lombardy, Piedmont and Sicily) with the start of the new year, for a total of 11 throughout Italy.

Yellow zone: what changes

However, the color change in the yellow zone does not translate into new restrictions and a tightening of the rules. The only difference between the white and yellow area so far is represented by the obligation to wear an outdoor mask which, however, with the new decree, has already been extended to the whole national territory. The super green pass is in fact now essential even just to sip a coffee at the counter of a bar.

Trend of the epidemic

The decision after the usual weekly monitoring of the Higher Institute of Health (Iss) and the Ministry of Health on the progress of the epidemic with Minister Roberto Speranza who will issue an ordinance in these hours to define the new color map of Italy , with the different regions classified according to the covid risk.

From white area to yellow area

But let’s go in order. The transition from white to yellow zone is triggered when three parameters are reached (simultaneously): weekly incidence of new infections per 100 thousand inhabitants equal to or greater than 50 cases, the occupancy rate of hospital beds in ordinary wards at 15% and that in intensive care at 10%.

The band change from January 3, 2022

The band change will start on Monday 3 January. “There are no variations on the measures to be respected by citizens, because the use of the mask outdoors is already foreseen for all bands, including the white one”, however underlined Fontana. Who has identified the culprit of this new wave of covid: “The expansion of the Omicron variant – he clarified – has accelerated the spread of the virus, which for the moment, especially on vaccinated subjects, is proving less aggressive than the previous ones. vaccination remains the weapon to overcome this new upsurge “.

Increased number of beds

The Covid network will therefore have a new structure that will involve hospitals in Rome, the province and the rest of Lazio. Here is how the places will change: Policlinico Umberto I (146 ordinary beds + 21 intensive care), Polyclinic Gemelli + Columbus Hospital (144 + 59), Istituto Spallanzani (190 + 50) City of Rome (149), Casalpalocco (80 + 40), San Camillo-Forlanini (45), San Giovanni-Addolorata (34 + 6), Viterbo (36 + 4), Rieti (26 + 4), Frosinone (56 + 4) and Latina (44 + 4), Hospital pediatric Bambino Gesù (20 + 3), Tor Vergata polyclinic (50 + 6), San Filippo Neri (50 + 14), Sant ‘Andrea (40 + 6), Sant’ Eugenio (40 + 6), Tivoli (20 generic covids ), Castelli (45 + 2), Palestrina (20), Civitavecchia (10), Ostia (20).

Vaccines also on New Year’s Eve

Hence the importance of the vaccination campaign, in Lazio in fact, “the” anti-Covid “vaccinations do not stop even on New Year’s Eve”, underlines in the daily bulletin the regional councilor for health, Alessio D’Amato, recalling the importance of adhering to the immunization campaign: “Out of 10 deaths” recorded in the last 24 hours, “7 were not vaccinated and none had the booster dose”, he specifies. Yesterday “over 56 thousand vaccines were administered, or 18% more than the commissioner’s target – points out D’Amato – Today we exceed 11 million total vaccine administrations and 2 million booster doses, equal to 42% of the population. There are over 37 thousand pediatric vaccine administrations, equal to 10% of the 5-11 year old group “. Vaccinations also on the weekend at the beginning of the year: “The open days for booster doses will be held on Saturday January 1st (in the time slot 14-19) at the Sant’Andrea hospital in Rome – reports the commissioner – and Sunday January 2 (time slot hours 8-18) at the Verdirosi barracks in Rieti “.

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