Holy Week (Holy Week) or Week is the last week of Great Lent before the Resurrection of Christ. It is extremely important, because it is filled with many events that have deep symbols and meanings.
About the peculiarity of Lazarus Saturday – says Fr. Vasyl Rudeyko, associate professor of the Department of Liturgical Sciences of the Philosophical and Theological Faculty of UCU, deputy chairman of the Patriarchal Liturgical Commission of the UGCC.
Reading from the Holy Scriptures (Gospel of John 11, 39-44):
Mary, coming to where Jesus was and seeing him, fell at his feet and said to him: “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died!”. Jesus asked, “Where did you put him?” They say to him: “Go, Lord, and look.” Jesus wept. “Roll away the stone,” commanded Jesus. … Rolled away, so the stone. And Jesus lifted up his eyes and said: “Father, I thank you that you have heard me! I know very well that you always listen to me, so only because of the people standing around, I said: so that they would believe that you sent me.” And having said that, he called at the top of his voice: “Lazarus, come out here!”. And the dead man came out with his hands and feet tied in cloth and his face wrapped in a handkerchief. And Jesus said to them: “Untie him and let him go.”
Foreseeing everything as the Creator, Jesus spoke to His disciples in Bethany: “Our friend Lazarus fell asleep today.” And, knowing the answer, he asked: “Where did you put it?”. And he prayed to the Father, shedding tears like a man. Thus, having called the one whom you loved, you raised from Hell, Lord, the four-day-old Lazarus. That is why we cry out to You: “Accept, O Christ God, those who dare to bring You praise, and honor all of Your glory!”.