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Layoffed, Couples Bring Homecoming Children on Foot Gombong-Bandung Armed with IDR 120,000


In the midst of a ban homecoming which applies from 6-17 May, there is a family from Gombong Central Java who is desperate to go home on foot, Mother. Why can it become viral and a topic of conversation, because the goal of a family’s homecoming is to Soreang, Bandung Regency, West Java.

Family members travelers These are Dani (39), and his wife, Masitoh Ainun Lubis (36), bringing their two children Manta (3 years) and Hanum (1.5 years). Dani admitted that he left Gombong on Sunday (2/5/2021) afternoon.

Only armed with a black backpack and Rp120 thousand in cash, he was determined to bring his wife and child back to his village. He is desperate to do this because he no longer has a job, aka he has been hit PHK, Butt.

Previously he worked at a convection company and now has quit. “There is no more work there, I have nothing. So I decided to go back to Soreang. Not going there again, I want to stay in Soreang,” said Dani.

How did Dani and his wife make a strategy so that their children were survived on foot from Gombong to Bandung? CONTINUE READING CLICK HERE.

(aci / rap)

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