Home » today » Business » Lawyer says could conclude case of Chinese woman killed in self-defense

Lawyer says could conclude case of Chinese woman killed in self-defense

Santo Domingo DR.- Lawyer Candido Simo described as provocation the action that led a woman to stab a man of Chinese nationality after an argument in a hardware store on Duarte Avenue.

According to the jurist, it was an involuntary homicide that in the courts could end in legitimate defense and with only two years in prison.

The incident occurred on Thursday at the Z&C Hardware Store, where both the victim, Change Zongxin, and the perpetrator, Franyelis María Furcal, were employees.

These statements were offered on the radio program Enterados, which is broadcast on Saturdays from 7 to 9 in the morning on CDN Radio.

Statements Felix Portes

However, the lawyer Felix Doors He maintained through social networks that it is necessary to observe if there is a previous history of aggression; among the employee who stabbed to death a hardware merchant of Chinese nationality.

Portes noted that “everything looks like a legal excuse for provocation or self-defense because she had no intention of killingLikewise, Félix Portes specified that there was no intention to kill (intention of killing), but the intention was to repel the aggressor.

The statements of the lawyer were offered throught social media.

The incident, which occurred in the afternoon, was recorded on security cameras at the Z&C Hardware Store, of which they were employees.

After an argument, the employee identified as Franyelis María Furcal took a knife from the sections and stabbed the Chinese citizen Change Zongxin in the stomach, who later died while receiving care at the Moscoso Puello Hospital.

According to police authorities, after committing the act, the 30-year-old woman fled the scene. In addition, they reported that the action occurred because he would have shouted insults at her while she was serving a client.

In the same way, they indicated that they are still searching for the woman to submit her to justice.

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