The owner of the National Criminal and Correctional Court No. 60, Luis Alberto Schelgelordered that the autopsy be carried out this Monday on the body of Silvina Lunabut the lawyer for the family of the model and actress who died last Thursday, Fernando Burlando, will request “that it be postponed” until the requirement of notifying the parties and giving intervention to the prosecutor’s office is met, in order to “offer all the procedural guarantees.
In dialogue with the La Nación+ channel, the plaintiff lawyer confirmed the magistrate’s request while announcing that he will seek not only to postpone the autopsy, but also to “reorder the procedure” initiated after the death of the 43-year-old woman after staying almost three months hospitalized in the Italian Hospital as a consequence of complications of kidney failure after the aesthetic practices that the doctor Aníbal Lotocki performed on her in 2011.
“The autopsy is ordered for tomorrow, but we are going to ask that it be postponedthat the parties be notified and that the Prosecutor’s Office be given intervention,” he said. the mocking lawyer who represented Luna in the trial that concluded last year with Lotocki’s sentence to four years in prison suspended and five years of disqualification for “serious injuries” to the detriment of his client, Stefy Xipolitakis, Gabriela Trenchi and Pamela Sosa.
The lawyer assured that although the family is demanding greater speed to justice to be able to pay a last tribute to Silvina Luna“nor can things be done in a hurry, recklessly plugging holes because the media begin to take up the issue.”
“There are parties here and their rights must be respected by notifying them so that an investigation can be carried out, but until now that has not been done and the same (the autopsy) has been ordered – who knows why – by a judge who previously He had declared incompetent,” he remarked. In addition to Schelgel, judges Alejandro Ferro and Carlos Rengel had declared themselves incompetent until Saturday.
“There is an urgency in carrying out the procedure, but we need it to be done correctly, that is why the procedure must be reorganized and legality covered in all its aspects,” he added.
On the other hand, in his Twitter account the journalist Mauro Szeta published the Schelgel resolution where it is read that “in view of the urgency implied by the ordered measure, the parties will be made aware of the conclusions so that in a timely manner and through the experts they propose, (they can) examine the results obtained”.
On the same day Luna’s death at the Italian Hospital in Buenos Aires, the head of the Prosecutor’s Office No. 29 before the Criminal and Correctional Oral Courts, Sandro Abraldes, asked the National Court of Cassation to order the preservation of the body of Luna to carry out the corresponding autopsy, which was ordered the following day by TOCC No. 28.
On the other hand, Burlando explained that the death of his defendant warranted the presentation of “a new complaint” by the family, instead of insisting on the old cause to “save procedural steps.”
Burlando is confident that “it will not be very difficult” to demonstrate the causal link between Luna’s death and the interventions that Lotocki performed on her because also “there is abundant bibliography and really very categorical papers (report) that talk about the link between methacrylate, granulomas, hypercalcemia, and calcium deposits in the kidney”.
“If this causal link is established – for us easy and scientifically accreditable – between the application of this material in the quantities and forms that it did and the death of Silvina, automatically We are going to ask that he be summoned for an investigation and to ask for his arrest”, he concluded.
Silvina Luna
Fernando Burlando
Hannibal Lotocki
Source: web
2023-09-04 04:08:51
#judge #ordered #autopsy #Silvina #Luna #lawyer #request #postponement