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Lawyer: Khalid J. endangered by false link with Ridouan T. | NOW

Lawyer Leon van Kleef asked the court on Wednesday to further investigate the arrest of his client Khalid J. at the beginning of this year in Dubai after shadowing his lawyers in that country, including Van Kleef himself. The lawyer says that justice has wrongly established a link between J. and Ridouan T., with all the consequences that entails.

J. was arrested in Dubai at the beginning of this year and is on trial for involvement in the liquidation of a man in 2014. According to Van Kleef, the Public Prosecution Service (OM) informed the authorities in Dubai that the man was part of the criminal organization of T. J. calls this nonsense.

His arrest is the subject of discussion because it has become known that his lawyers Leon van Kleef and Nico Meijering were shadowed by the authorities in Dubai in June 2019.

This was done on behalf of the Dutch judiciary, because it suspected that the lawyers had a meeting with Ridouan T. This turned out to be J..

Van Kleef is convinced that the Public Prosecution Service has said that J. could lead the police to T. That is why his client would not have been arrested until after T.’s arrest, while it had long been known where J. was.

The suspect was told things by the police

After his arrest, J. would have been informed by the local police that he would be aware of T.’s travel movements between his residence in Dubai and Iran. According to Van Kleef, this “plugged in that J. would be a member of a terrorist organization”, referring to the suggested ties between T. and Iran.

Van Kleef points out that his client was deported from Dubai without seeing a judge as an unwanted foreigner, while he was registered there and had a residence permit.

The lawyer therefore wants the court to order the Public Prosecution Service to account for the monitoring of the lawyers and their client J. A similar request was made in the Marengo trial, where T. is on trial. In that case, the OM announced that all rules had been followed.

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