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Lawyer Francisco Ugás celebrates Supreme Court ruling that sentences four soldiers for the Caravan of Death case

The Supreme Court Sentences Four Retired Soldiers for the Caravan of Death Murders

The Second Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court has unanimously sentenced four retired soldiers for their involvement in the murder of 12 members of the Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionario (MIR) in October 1973. The killings took place in Valdivia and are known as the Caravan of Death-Valdivia episode.


Santiago Arturo Ariel de Jesús Sinclair Oyaneder has been sentenced to 18 years in prison as the author of the crimes. Juan Viterbo Chiminelli Fullerton has also been sentenced to 18 years in prison as a co-author. Pedro Octavio Espinoza Bravo has been sentenced to 10 years in prison as the author, while Emilio Robert de la Mahotiere González has been sentenced to 5 years and one day in prison as an accomplice.

Importance of the Judgment

Francisco Ugás Tapía, a lawyer and plaintiff in the case, has praised the Supreme Court’s ruling. He emphasized the significance of the judgment, particularly in criminal matters, as it holds individuals accountable for crimes committed many years ago. Ugás highlighted the conviction of Santiago Sinclair, a former member of the Military Government Junta and Deputy Commander in Chief of the Army, who has been sentenced to 18 years in prison. Emilio De La Mahotiere, the pilot of the helicopter used by the criminal group led by Sergio Arellano Stark, has also been convicted. The other two individuals sentenced are Pedro Espinoza and Juan Chiminelli.

Reparation and Justice

Ugás emphasized the importance of the judiciary’s duty to investigate and punish crimes against humanity. He praised the Supreme Court for providing justice to the victims of the Caravan of Death-Valdivia episode and their families. Ugás also highlighted the need for reparation for the victims and their widows, emphasizing the fight for truth and justice undertaken by Mrs. Ida Sepúlveda and Mrs. Yolanda Ávila, as representatives of all the relatives of the victims.

The Facts

The Court of Appeals of Santiago, through Minister Patricia González Quiroz, established the following facts:

  1. A group of people from Neltume approached a Carabineros checkpoint, inciting resistance against the coup d’état. A shootout occurred, but no evidence of explosive elements was found.
  2. Four individuals, including members of the MIR, were detained in the Liquiñe sector.
  3. The detainees were taken to the Isla Teja Public Prison in Valdivia. Two of them, Gregorio José Liendo Vera and Pedro Purísimo Barría Ordóñez, were shot and killed.
  4. On October 4, ten more people were shot, including individuals allegedly involved in the Neltume checkpoint events.
  5. The executions were carried out by military personnel, including Pedro Espinoza, Juan Chiminelli, and Emilio de la Matohiere, who were aware of and participated in the killings.

The Supreme Court’s sentencing of the retired soldiers involved in the Caravan of Death-Valdivia episode marks an important step towards justice and accountability for crimes against humanity committed during the military dictatorship. The ruling serves as a reminder of the importance of upholding human rights and international law, even in cases where significant time has passed.

What role did Ter play in the Caravan of Death-Valdivia episode and how has he been held accountable for his actions

Ter used in the Caravan of Death-Valdivia episode, has also been held accountable for his role as an accomplice.

This landmark judgment serves as a reminder that justice may be delayed, but it will not be denied. It sets a precedent that perpetrators of human rights violations, no matter their rank or position, will be brought to face the consequences of their actions. The sentences handed down by the Supreme Court send a powerful message that impunity will not be tolerated, and that those who commit heinous crimes will be held responsible, no matter how much time has passed.

The Caravan of Death-Valdivia episode represents a dark chapter in Chile’s history, marked by violence, fear, and repression. The families of the victims have waited for justice for nearly five decades, and this ruling brings some measure of closure and vindication for their loved ones.

We must commend the bravery and determination of those who have fought tirelessly for truth and justice, including the lawyers, activists, and human rights organizations who have worked relentlessly to bring this case to fruition. Their unwavering commitment to uncovering the truth and holding accountable those responsible for these crimes is an inspiration to us all.

As we reflect on this momentous verdict, let us remember the victims, those who lost their lives in the pursuit of justice and a more equitable society. May their memory serve as a reminder of the importance of human rights and the need to remain vigilant in the face of injustice.

This chapter may be closing, but the fight for justice continues. We must ensure that this landmark ruling sets a precedent for future cases and serves as a deterrent against impunity. Together, we can strive for a society where the rule of law prevails, and where justice is not only sought, but also attained.

2 thoughts on “Lawyer Francisco Ugás celebrates Supreme Court ruling that sentences four soldiers for the Caravan of Death case”

  1. This is a significant victory for justice and human rights in Chile. Lawyer Francisco Ugás deserves to be commended for his unwavering dedication in seeking justice for the victims of the Caravan of Death. The Supreme Court’s ruling, sentencing four soldiers involved in this horrific case, is a clear message that impunity will not be tolerated.

    The Caravan of Death has long been a symbol of the brutal dictatorship under General Augusto Pinochet. This group of soldiers committed atrocious acts, including brutal torture and execution of political prisoners, leaving scars on the nation’s history. For years, these crimes went unpunished, denying justice to the victims and their families.

    Today, we see a glimmer of hope with this landmark ruling. It not only brings closure to some of the victims’ families but also signifies a step towards truth and accountability. Francisco Ugás’ relentless pursuit of justice is commendable, as it showcases his commitment to ensuring that human rights violators are held accountable, regardless of their positions.

    Nevertheless, this ruling is just the beginning. It should serve as a call to action for further investigations into past human rights violations and to hold all those responsible accountable. The fight for justice is ongoing, but this ruling reaffirms our belief that justice can prevail, even against the most formidable adversaries.

    We must also recognize the immense courage and resilience displayed by the victims and their families throughout this long and arduous legal battle. Their determination and commitment to uncover the truth and seek justice have been critical in holding those responsible for the Caravan of Death accountable.

    Moving forward, it is crucial for the Chilean government and society to continue supporting the victims of human rights abuses, providing them with the necessary resources for healing and memorialization. Additionally, it is essential to strengthen national institutions to ensure that such atrocities never happen again and that justice is always upheld.

    In celebration of Francisco Ugás’ remarkable achievement, we must remember that this victory is not only for Chile but also for all those around the world fighting against impunity and for the protection of human rights. It serves as a shining example that with determination, perseverance, and the support of the legal system, justice can prevail, bringing healing, closure, and the hope of a better future.

  2. This Supreme Court ruling is a significant step towards justice and accountability for the Caravan of Death case. It is truly commendable that Lawyer Francisco Ugás is celebrating this decision, as it undoubtedly brings some solace to the victims’ families and reaffirms the importance of upholding human rights.

    The Caravan of Death was a dark chapter in Chile’s history, where under General Augusto Pinochet’s regime, a brutal military death squad executed numerous political prisoners. For many years, the families of the victims have fought tirelessly for justice, hoping that those responsible would face the consequences of their actions.

    With this ruling, justice has been delivered, and the four soldiers involved in the Caravan of Death case have been held accountable for their crimes. It sends a strong message that impunity will not prevail, even for those in positions of power. Such legal victories lay the groundwork for a more just society, where even those committing heinous crimes cannot escape the law’s reach.

    It is essential to acknowledge the tireless efforts and dedication of lawyers like Francisco Ugás, who have relentlessly pursued justice for the victims and their families. Their unwavering commitment to truth and human rights is inspiring and restores faith in the legal system’s ability to deliver justice.

    However, we must remember that justice does not end here. The wounds inflicted by the Caravan of Death are deep, and the pain felt by the victims’ families cannot be undone. It is crucial that this ruling serves as a catalyst for ongoing investigations and accountability for all those involved in the military dictatorship’s atrocities.

    While we celebrate this Supreme Court ruling, we should view it as a stepping stone towards a more comprehensive and inclusive pursuit of justice. The fight for human rights must continue on all fronts, ensuring that no perpetrator is left unpunished, and no victim’s voice goes unheard. Only then can we create a society where such atrocities become lessons from the past instead of recurring nightmares in our present.


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