“The circumstances of the death are, let’s say, known, but we will have to do some further investigation”: this is how the lawyer Carla Tiboni explains the stage of the investigations to shed light on the death of Massimiliano Galletti, the rescuer from San Benedetto del Tronto (AP ), died in Ukraine. The lawyer spoke to journalists at the end of the funeral ceremony which was celebrated this afternoon in San Benedetto. “We have no further news at the moment, what we know is that Galletti carried out assistance to the Ukrainian population – added Tiboni – The other news that has been spread for us is fake news”. Referring to videos in which there is a man, perhaps from the Marche region, who is fighting in Ukraine: “I was asked if I recognized Galletti from that video – explained the lawyer – It is impossible for me to recognize Galletti, given that I didn’t know him and therefore I would not be able to comment on any video.” The lawyer then underlined that the man was also assisting the Ukrainian population “with the help of molecular dogs, invaluable in war zones for tracing the dead and wounded”.
Tiboni also specified that he was not aware of any judicial investigations launched by the Ascoli Piceno prosecutor’s office, but reiterated the need “to clarify also for the serenity of the family”. The lawyer also specified that it will also be necessary to clarify where exactly Galletti was injured, “at the moment we have received news that he was hit in the Kharkiv area”. Finally, he confirmed that the Kiev authorities had performed an autopsy on the body of the volunteer from the Marche region, and he thanked the Italian embassy in Ukraine for having worked to ensure that the body was brought back to Italy quickly.