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Lawyer Dan Chitic answers Florin Cîțu: The real terrorists are the ones from the government – News by sources

Lawyer Dan Chitic criticizes Prime Minister Florin Cîțu for his statements about ‘terrorists’ who oppose anti-coronavirus measures.

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  • “We do not have a campaign against certain actions of the Government, we have a campaign for the observance of the Constitution. We have a campaign to support the rights of the citizen. It is very strange that we who respect the rights of the citizen are treated as terrorists. This individual is temporarily in the position of prime minister. The real terrorists, abusers, criminals, are those in government, not when those who are not in power taking all the risks come out and say ‘This is no longer possible!’.
  • The statements will be very carefully framed in the coming days. We set out with a group of colleagues to react, but not terrorist but legally.
  • We are not vaccinators, we do not want to ban vaccines, we just want to leave the right to every citizen to choose whether or not to have a treatment. You have the right to choose not only the Parliament, but also to be taken care of in a certain way “, Dan Chitic declared, on Friday, on România TV.

Friday, the prime minister Florin Cîţu said that the failure of efforts to stop the pandemic, materialized by campaigns against wearing a protective mask or vaccination against COVID, without concrete data, is similar to the action of some ‘terrorists’.

“In Romania, for a year now, there has been a campaign against these actions taken by the Government to stop the pandemic. There is a campaign against wearing a mask in public space, there is a campaign against distancing measures and there is a campaign against vaccination. From my point of view, these actions are similar to the actions of some terrorists, because to thwart this activity of the Government, which aims to improve the health of all Romanians, is an action that tries to undermine the authority of the state, without data. we always look at specialists, that’s where the information comes from, “said the prime minister at Victoria Palace.

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