in new york city ineffect.Rafael: Thank you.We changed the subject becauseschools will be analyzed today inthe supreme court of the state ofnew york parents allegethat teaching will be affectedthe big school districtof the whole nation and ourgil is the court forexplain to us what can beexpect.isabel: the outcome is notwe know but what is knownis that today in this courtmanhattan supreme one judgewill listen to the arguments ofparents and teachers,specifically in the beginningthere were two fathers andteachers againstbudget that was recovered fromschool in the city, it is estimatedis happening here is thatthese parents and teachers saythat dastic cutsare leading to the possibledownsizing in theclassrooms and in allschools such associal workers,advisers, of tension of thedyslexia, includingprograms tooextracurriculars that areafter classes. theywhat they want is first that notcity budget andthe city council canreverse this cutthose.the mayor had said thatthis was done because there wasFew inscriptions on theschools but the controllersays something else.>> the city has more than500,000,000 in federal aidfor the pandemic.[habla en ingés]mariela: yes we have thesefunds or help you do theWhy doesn’t the mayor use them?mayor and departmenteducation must respond.control says that the mayorbe able to solve why there isenough money forwork it out.rafael: many say noit was a coincidence, +1strategy I yield short ofdisbursement available forschools but not necessarilyisabel: that’s also whatIt is discussed and I can clarifya very important point andthat prior to the hearing,that was on wednesdaymayor had a strategy,added about 150,000,000 more tobudget of this cut thathad already been done,which 34 are in theschools, that is to say that of the370 they know trimmed for thesystem of schools added150, you had me acesmath missing about 270 and