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Law and Justice. Meeting of the PiS leadership at the headquarters at Nowogrodzka. The theme of the planned changes in the government

On Friday, around 5 p.m. at the PiS headquarters in Warsaw at Nowogrodzka Street, the party leadership meeting ended. One of the main topics was planned changes in the government. There has been no official announcement after the talks ended.


In the afternoon, the presidium of the PiS Political Committee met at the headquarters of the Law and Justice party at Nowogrodzka Street in Warsaw. It was attended by the party’s most important politicians, including president Jarosław Kaczyński, prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki, deputy prime ministers Piotr Gliński and Jacek Sasin, head of the PiS club Ryszard Terlecki, deputy chairmen of PiS Mariusz Błaszczak, Adam Lipiński, Antoni Macierewicz and Beata Szydło.

After the three-hour meeting, PiS politicians did not comment on its course.

Ryszard Terlecki spoke about the planned changes in the government on Thursday in a statement for journalists in the Sejm. He admitted that the number of ministries was to be reduced, and that each PiS coalition partner would receive one ministry.


Terlecki: the coalition partners of the United Right always had one ministry

TVN24 reporter Agata Adamek reported on the meeting. – Negotiations are ongoing and are taking place in various groups – said the journalist after 3 p.m. As she emphasized, today only Law and Justice politicians met, without representatives of the coalition parties, the Agreement and Solidarity Poland.

“At the moment, Solidarity Poland, Law and Justice and Agreement are bound by a coalition agreement”

The planned government reconstruction and the new coalition agreement were among the independent topics of the Thursday meeting of the authorities of the Agreement and Solidarity Poland.

Jan Strzeżek, Vice-Ombudsman of the Covenant, said on Thursday evening to the Polish Press Agency that the presidium of the Covenant board had provided the party’s president, Jarosław Gowin, with the negotiating instructions for a new coalition agreement under the United Right. – At this stage of the talks, we do not agree to limiting the number of ministries allocated to coalition partners. (…) As an Agreement, we treat the issue of the number of ministries headed by PiS coalition partners as open. Program matters are now a priority “- noted the vice-officer of the Agreement.

The minister of Environment, Solidarna Polska politician Michał Woś stated on Friday on TVN24 that PiS’s proposal to reconstruct the government was not appreciated also by Solidarity Poland. – We are not planning to change the number of ministries. We encourage you to talk about the program – said Woś.


Woś: PiS came up with the idea of ​​reconstruction, but was not appreciated by Solidarna Polska and the AgreementTVN24

On Friday at the press conference Zbigniew Ziobro, the leader of Solidarity Poland, said that “he has nothing against talks on the reconstruction of the government”. – At the moment, Solidarity Poland, Law and Justice and the Agreement is bound by a coalition agreement, which stipulates, inter alia, that each of the co-coalition partners heads two ministries. So far this contract has not changed – he said. As he added, “it can of course be taken into account that the coalition agreement will be changed”. – Only when this agreement would change and would involve the consent of all interested parties to the new formula of the government, we could talk about a new situation – Ziobro noted.


Ziobro: it can be taken into account that the coalition agreement will be changedTVN24

Poland and the Solidarity Agreement currently have two ministries

Currently, the representatives of the Agreement lead two ministries: development (headed by Deputy Prime Minister Jadwiga Emilewicz) and science and higher education (Wojciech Murdzek), while the politicians of Solidarity Poland head the ministries of justice (Zbigniew Ziobro) and the environment (Michał Woś). The representatives of Solidarna Polska and the Agreement also have deputy ministers in the government.

The Law and Justice Parliamentary Club has 235 members, including 19 members of Solidarity Poland and 18 of the Agreement.

photo-source">Main photo source: TVN24

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