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Lavrov threatened Ukraine with war as in Georgia because of plans to join NATO

“The decision of the NATO NATO summit in Bucharest in April 2008 that Georgia and Ukraine will become NATO members is a mine at the very foundation of the European security structure. on an adventure that turned into dire consequences for Georgia itself and brought the security situation in Europe to a dangerous line, “Lavrov said.

He also said that the thesis that Russia has no right to express to other countries its position on the inadmissibility of NATO expansion is a “game with fire.”

“I want it to be very clear: the transformation of our neighboring countries into a springboard for confrontation with Russia, the deployment of NATO forces in the immediate vicinity of strategically important areas for our security is categorically unacceptable,” Lavrov added.

It should be noted that the Russian Foreign Minister had in mind the Russian-Georgian war in August 2008, when, against the background of mutual accusations of provocations, Russia sent regular troops into South Ossetia and invaded Georgian territory. In response to shelling of Georgian villages, the troops of Tbilisi occupied most of Tskhinvali, after which Russia brought in tank brigades and began to use military aircraft.

Within five days, the Georgian army was defeated militarily. The acute phase of the conflict ended with a peace agreement and the fact that Russia recognized South Ossetia and Abkhazia as “independent states.”

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