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Lavelanet. Victor-Hugo college students educated in finance

What is a budget? What is a bank account, savings, credit…? To all these questions, the students of the Parcours Excellence de 3e at Collège Victor-Hugo had answers, at the end of last week, at Lavelanet. Friday, as part of the international financial education week initiated by the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), Patrick Garcia, Ariège departmental director of the Banque de France, on the theme “Take care of yourself and of your money “, came to meet the college students to detail each step of good money management. “Financial education means giving all the keys to understanding French people, of all ages and all conditions, not just young people, so that they understand the economic and financial challenges of their daily lives in order to make decisions in enlightened citizens, specifies Patrick Garcia. What is a rate, a loan, how to manage its budget, the Banque de France operates the national financial education strategy. ”

Patrick Garcia emphasized the words, all these terms, including the usual ones, which revolve around money and whose meaning is important. The explanations on the resources, the expenses, the difference between “what comes in” and “what goes out”, the fixed and occasional expenses, “a positive balance, you are in credit, a negative balance, you are in debt, the bank account , that’s our budget “. One of the discoveries was how to recognize a real banknote (cotton and not paper) from a fake banknote, using a small plastic card representing a real banknote and three steps related to verification. by touch (parts printed in relief), gaze by transparency (watermark and portrait window), and tilt (emerald number and hologram).

Patrick Garcia broached the subject of savings, “put aside for a lot”.

Attentive students

The director of La Banque de France Ariège spoke of this exceptional sum put on savings accounts since the start of the Covid-19 crisis. More surprisingly, the manufacture of the tickets has remained the same, except that they are not found in the distribution. Hence an answer, the French would keep them in the piggy bank or “the woolen stocking”.

Patrick Garcia also detailed the different means of payment, the banknote losing speed since the Covid-19, credit, interest rates, risky investments … “Beware of proposals that are too good to be honest”.

All these explanations led to a sensitizing quiz on common sense questions, which deserved the final patent.

This awareness has achieved its objective. The students of Corinne Costa and Loïc Ginières, their teachers, sought to know.

They are now better prepared to manage … their pocket money for the time being, their salary later.

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