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Lauzerte Equestrian Center Director Honored for Social and Solidarity Tourism

The director of the Lauzerte equestrian center was honored during the July 14 promotion of the tourism medal in the company of Jean-Claude Bardet, the owner of the famous Napoleon cutlery located in Place Nationale in Montauban. “I am rather surprised by this distinction, reacted Isabelle Favrot with a smile, because I am more used to medals for youth and sports. But she continues, we do receive, in the context of social tourism and solidarity, many children and teenagers in summer camp or in green classes. Thus, their families discover the region when they come to the center and then come back there especially to visit it. We also welcome groups of adults wishing to celebrate an event or go sightseeing.”

The director of the equestrian center did not think so well since she learned at the beginning of the week that she had also been promoted on July 14 to the gold level for the medal of youth, sports and associative commitment (justified by at least twenty years of services rendered).

Emphasis on social and solidarity tourism

Isabelle Favrot, originally from Morteau (Franche-Comté), lived for a long time in the South-West (Tarbes and Montauban). A graduate in law and personnel management, she served as director of human resources before joining the Lauzerte equestrian center in 1997 with Frédéric, her husband, a hotel manager. Since then, they have developed this family business together, created in 1987, in a large estate enjoying a magnificent view of the medieval city and the surrounding countryside. The activities offered within the framework of social and solidarity tourism are numerous: nature summer camps, horse riding or multi-activities, outdoor classes (animals and farm, artistic workshops, cultural visits, etc.), welcoming families in lodgings. The equestrian center also organizes the universal national service cohesion stay every year with more than a hundred young volunteers from other departments. A second establishment was opened in Saint-Vincent-Lespinasse in 2015 (Les Écuries de Saint-Vincent), dedicated to sports equestrian courses and other projects are under study (especially sports and swimming).

Isabelle Favrot does not have time to be bored since she is also administrator of the departmental committee for horse riding and of the National Union of Organizations for Educational, Linguistic and Language Training Stays (Unosel). The recent distinction thus rewards its permanent commitment to the service of tourism for all.

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