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Lauterbach sees the peak of the omicron wave pass

bHealth Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) sees the current wave of infections broken. “The peak of the omicron wave has passed, practically exactly on the day I predicted a month ago,” Lauterbach told the “Bild” newspaper on Tuesday. Therefore, a “moderate easing” is now possible, the minister added in view of the forthcoming talks with the federal state. According to Lauterbach, he “fully supports” the gradual easing proposals that have been disclosed so far. “But no more, so as not to risk another raise.”

According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the nationwide seven-day incidence decreased on Tuesday for the third consecutive day, although the significance of the data is still limited. The RKI gave the value of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants and week on Tuesday morning at 1437.5. For comparison: the day before the value was 1459.8. A week ago, the nationwide incidence was 1441.0 (previous month: 497.1).

“Measurements were spot on”

Health authorities in Germany reported 159,217 to the RKI in one day Corona new infections. A week ago there were 169,571 infections. However, the numbers have only limited meaning at the moment. Experts assume a large number of cases that are not recorded in the RKI data. Testing capabilities and health authorities are therefore stretched to the limit in many places and contacts are only traced to a limited extent. In addition, the number of people for whom their infection is no longer confirmed by a PCR test is likely to increase – the infection is therefore not included in official statistics.

According to new information from the RKI, 243 deaths were recorded in 24 hours throughout Germany. A week ago there were 177 deaths. The RKI counted 12,580,343 confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infections since the start of the pandemic. The actual total number is likely to be significantly higher, as many infections go undetected.

The number of people who came to the clinic Crown-infected patients per 100,000 population within seven days, the RKI gave 5.93 on Monday (Friday: 6.46). These may also include people with a positive corona test who have another major disease. The RKI put the number of people recovered on Tuesday at 8,989,100. The number of people who have died or been involved in a proven Sars-CoV-2 infection has risen to 120,220.

Health Minister Lauterbach predicted the peak of the omicron wave a month ago using a model by several scientists for mid-February. Now you can see how the model works. “The measures were right,” Lauterbach said, referring to the corona restrictions. “This has allowed us to significantly reduce the number of deaths and, compared to other countries, we have weathered this wave of omicrons very well.”

In view of his critics, the SPD politician added: “It has to be acknowledged: something has worked.” On Wednesday, the federal and state governments will discuss how to proceed in the corona pandemic. According to a pre-announced draft resolution, a gradual easing should be agreed, sor that by March 20 all deep containment measures will be lifted.

Obligation to wear an FFP2 mask until the beginning of summer?

Considerations for a phased plan with the easing of corona requirements have meanwhile met with the approval of the medical profession. Ahead of the next round of federal and state governments, the German Association of Cities has called for a legal framework beyond March 20 after the measures regulated by the Infection Protection Act expire.

As a first step, private meetings for vaccinated and recovered people with more people should be possible again. In the retail trade, the 2-G rule will fall nationwide, but the obligation to wear a mask will remain. The document is a discussion basis for a draft resolution for talks between federal states. The heads of the state chancelleries of the federal states discussed the situation on Monday. Deliberations are expected to continue this Tuesday.

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