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Lautaro’s agent: “The renewal made him happy, he always wanted only Inter” | News

In a market that sees in the final balance assets of approximately 120 million euros with a reduction in the amount of wages approaching 25 million, the “securing” of the company accounts made by the CEOs Marotta and Antonello (this is how the Nerazzurri management has repeatedly expressed in the face of the disposals, above all, of Lukaku and Hakimi, to which however the arrivals of Dumfries, Calhanoglu, Correa and Dzeko have made it possible to free up resources important to ensure contract renewals very important forInter. After that of Bastoni (arrived at the end of last season) the most important agreement is certainly the one with Lautaro Martinez which will be officially announced when the summer market is closed. But a substantial formalization has already come from Alejandro Camano, the agent of the Argentine striker, interviewed exclusively for FcInterNews: “Together we have made Lautaro and his family happy, he always wanted to stay in the Nerazzurri. “Clear words on the contractual extension of the player who is the symbol of the next Nerazzurri seasons, thestriker for which Inter said no this summer a proposals from 70/80 million from England.

After Lautaro, it will be the turn of two other big Nerazzurri: Brozovic (contract expiring in June 2022) e Stretcher (linked to Inter until 2024). Including the one concerning Toro, the three operations (with the salary adjustments already roughly defined) will cost the club a total of 30 million a year: investments made possible by the difficult work done this summer by the Inter management but also by the will of a property who, net of the acclaimed financial difficulties, however, ensured continuity and competitiveness to the club.

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