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Laurent Wauquiez blocked for organizing a 100,000 euro dinner

The opposition of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes rose on Thursday 13 October after the publication of a Mediapart investigation that denounced a dinner organized in the early summer by Laurent Wauquiez costing one hundred thousand euros to the region. While the Socialist Party, according to information obtained by RTL, will formally write to the president of the region to ask for responsibility, the latter indicated that this event had no political purpose.

Asked by the AFP, the region explained that these meals, called “summit dinner”, are aimed at connect personality of all social classes: cultural, economic, sports, associative, social and solidarity economy … “to” create great synergies between the actors in our Region “for its development.” We are about 165 euros per person, the rest it is generally related to exceptional site-related logistical expenses, “he added.

This “summit dinner” was held on June 23 at the Château de la Chaize, in Beaujolais, and “brought together about 90 people” for a cost “of just over 100 thousand euros”, according to Mediapart. The Region admitted in an email to our colleagues that it had taken the bill “100% at its expensewithout any private funding “but did not specify on which budget this expenditure was charged when the region recently made major cuts to the finances for culture.

“The famous assistantship”, jokes Vallaud-Belkacem

“Another scandal!” tweeted the environmental mayor of Grenoble Éric Piolle. “While cutting subsidies to cities and the countryside, Wauquiez is indulging in luxury dinners worth 100 thousand euros”. “Indecency”, summed up the leader of the environmentalists to the Assembly Cyrielle Chatelain and deputy of the Isère.

“While 12 million French people are unable to warm up, the stations are dry and inflation is confirmed, Laurent Wauquiez and his friends have lost their sense of reality. My group he solemnly asks what justified this expense for this dinner! ”, said on Twitter Andréa Kotarac, president of the group of RNs elected in the region.

“Maybe we’ll wait before spending millions on Facebook and press space purchases to say we’re the best managed region in France!” Joked Fabienne Grébert, president of the environmental group, while the region’s LR president regularly praises good management. of its administration.

Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, leader of the opposition socialist group, also mocked on Twitter: “the famous ‘assistance'”in reference to a favorite theme of Laurent Wauquiez, while his group indicated in a press release the “sumptuous” spending and the “total budget opacity”.

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