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Laurent Baffie boycotted by Thierry Ardisson: “He was afraid that I would say stupid things to Brigitte Macron”

Between Laurent Baffie and Thierry Ardisson, it is a long story of friendship, punctuated by significant collaborations on television, particularly in the shows Everyone is talking about it et Hello Earthlings!. However, this complicity has not prevented some friction over the years. During an interview given to La Tribune Sunday this Sunday, September 29, Laurent Baffie also returned to an episode that particularly hurt him. Last April, Thierry Ardisson received the prestigious Legion of Honor, a milestone in his career. But to Laurent Baffie’s surprise, he was not invited to the ceremony, despite their complicity. A choice that the 66-year-old host had difficulty digesting, but for which he ended up understanding the reason.

In this interview, Laurent Baffie was straight to the point. “He was afraid that I would say stupid things to Brigitte Macron. I found it stupid of him, because I would have liked to share this moment with my friend”, he confided to our colleagues. According to him, Thierry Ardisson would have preferred to remove his sidekick to avoid any risk of slipping up against the wife of the President of the Republic. Faithful to his caustic humor, Laurent Baffie admitted that he could indeed have indulged in some provocations. Thus, he harbored no ill will towards Thierry Ardisson. “II don’t blame this son of a bitch… because I can understand why he’s afraid of me”, he finally said.

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Laurent Baffie: another close friend at the heart of his confidences

In the same interview, Laurent Baffie also spoke about the person who destabilized him the most during his life. Surprise, it’s neither a host nor a celebrity, but… his wife. “When I met her, I was captivated, paralyzed with a trickle of drool”, he asserted with humor, before continuing: “It took her six months to discover that I was actually a funny guy.” Today, Laurent Baffie is a happy man, who is fully living his romance with the woman of his life.

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias.

Photo credits: Coadic Guirec/Bestimage

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