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Laurel eaten raw, Jovanotti is crazy about it, but will it hurt? Let’s find out the effects

Laurel eaten raw, Jovanotti is crazy about it, but will it hurt? Let’s discover the beneficial effects of this incredible substance.

Bay leaves – Pixabay


L’laurel it is a well known aromatic plant and has also been used since the old generations. In fact, the grandmothers prepared it for the little ones in case of stomach ache and other similar annoyances. Boiled water and bay leaf. But its use dates back to even more remote times: it is said that even the gods of Ancient Greece loved to savor these incredible leaves with a decidedly intense flavor.

In recent days, however, the web has found itself in front of a fact and from there a recurring question has arisen: is it possible to consume raw laurel? Here is the answer everyone has been waiting for.

Raw laurel, but does it hurt? Let’s find out the effects

Laurel raw effects
bay leaf and spices – Pixabay

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The video that caused a sensation concerns the famous singer Lorenzo Jovanotti who ate raw bay leaves. But will it hurt the web asked? Then, due attention must be paid. In addition to the laurel there is another plant that takes the name of lauroceraso. Although the name is different from our common laurel, nevertheless having very similar features could fall into error.

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to know that the cherry laurel is smaller than the other plant, maximum seven meters in height but the leaves are larger than the laurel: shiny on the surface and the lower part is opaque. Each leaf is then indented along the margins. If you are not familiar with these details and you want the litmus test, crumple a leaf: if this does not smell then it is cherry laurel.

On the other hand, the laurel can reach ten meters in height while the leaves are green with small yellow flowers, divided into clusters. Pay attention to the fruits, the black berries are present in both plants, those of the cherry laurel are toxic. Having made this necessary distinction, we return to the original question: is it possible to eat raw bay leaves as the artist recently did?

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The answer is yes. So eating bay leaf is not bad but watch out for the flavor, you might not like it. The singer has repeatedly highlighted his passion for Argentine mate, always favoring strong tastes. So if you want to taste raw bay leaves but have always been afraid to do so, now is the time to try.

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