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Lauragais: a future inclusive habitat for autistic adults is looking for its residents

Work has already begun for the organization of the future inclusive habitat. (©Adapted leisure)

And inclusive housing for adults with autism in the Lauragais. This is the project that is working on the Adapted Leisure Association, already known for having taken over the old pumping station on the banks of the Canal du Midi, opposite the Montgiscard lock house. Here, the concept would be to create individual accommodation for six adults with autistic disorders and pervasive developmental disorders.

Ces T1 bis equipped with a bathroom and a kitchen will be grouped around a common space with a pre-professional kitchen. Everything will be coordinated by an animator with a social and shared life in charge of setting up activities. A position funded through the Shared Living Assistance (AVP) that the association has obtained. “The objective is to continue to support them in their autonomy and that they share good times”, explains Ingrid Findanzaproject manager at Loisirs Adaptés.

Discussions in two municipalities

For the moment, impossible to give a precise location for these suitable accommodations. We only know that the association seeks in the Lauragais and that discussions are underway to land located in Escalquens and Montgiscard “with the support of the elected officials of these two municipalities”, specifies Ingrid Findanza.

This idea of ​​inclusive housing comes from Lila Benkacia family caregiver member of Loisirsadapted, living in a roommate with an autistic adult. The project would allow these people to have their own home while being accompanied, rather than living with a family carer or in a specialized establishment. “In the medico-social sector, there are waiting lists and no room for everyone », author Lila Benkaci.

“It’s innovative because it’s not inclusive shared housing, as is often the case. We want them to be independent “adds Ingrid Findanza.

Habitat seeks residents

The project, set up with the association group Families Solidarity, is open to people with Asperger’s syndrome and adults with communication and social bonding disorders aged between 20 and 40 years old. The association is moreover looking for future residents.

An inclusive habitat, it is reflected with the inhabitants and their families. We already have three potential residents. We’re looking for six in all. The idea is to create groups and workshops for them to express themselves on the project.

Ingrid Findanza.

What activities ?

The concept already foresees the organization of activities such as gardening, animal mediation or cooking in the common area – which would allow them to train them in catering trades.

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However, residents to express themselves on the subject “We don’t know what they want to do. We want to support them in their citizenship and help them develop their autonomy,” emphasizes Ingrid Findanza.

Expected opening in 2025

Escalquens? Montgiscard? Elsewhere ? Today, impossible to know where the project will come out of the ground. This is still in the engineering phase and the financial package has not yet been finalized. “We are looking for an agreement with social landlords and an architect. The whole difficulty is finding land,” explains Ingrid Findanza.

Adapted leisure hopes for an opening of this inclusive habitat in the last quarter of 2025.

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