Home » today » News » Laura Zapata attacks AMLO for asylum in Glas – 2024-04-20 11:26:46

Laura Zapata attacks AMLO for asylum in Glas – 2024-04-20 11:26:46

In the extensive letter, which he read for almost nine minutes, he also referred to AMLO’s apparent participation in helping drug cartels establish themselves in his nation.

Through a public face, the actress Laura Zapata He referred to the raid by the Ecuadorian Police on the Mexican Embassy in Quito, on April 5. On this occasion it was not a reproach towards Ecuador, as has happened during the last ten days; but it was a criticism of the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), whom he even accused of being a “narco president.”

Zapatawho is the older sister of the singer and actress, Thaliashared his position during an interview for the local network Atypical Te Ve.

“You did not grant asylum, you are an accessory, a vile drug president and the worst bandit,” said Laura Zapata.

In the lengthy letter, which he read for almost nine minutes, he also referred to the apparent involvement of AMLO so that drug cartels settle in their country.

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Zapata defends the sovereignty of Ecuador

When talking about the raid on the Mexican Embassy, Zapata He stated that the police broke in to capture “a crook”, referring to Jorge Glas. And he justified the act by saying that the president Daniel Noboa made national sovereignty respected.

«President Noboa clearly sings it to AMLO. “Do not act offended, he who takes away, endures (…) yours was not an embassy, ​​it was a den where you wanted to cover up any criminal,” said the actress.

And he added “in Mexico You conduct yourself like an owner and great lord. You will see that it is not the same Tabasco that he Ecuador«.

He also referred to drug trafficking groups that have settled in Mexico and that they were even denounced by the former presidential candidate, Fernando Villavicencio. They were identified as the murderers of the Ecuadorian politician.

«You sent us the hitmen from the cartel Sinaloabut you and your drug partners ran into Noboa«. «We know that you are corrupt, an agitator and that you attack everyone, like a vulgar provocateur. You have apologized to Spain y al Vatican. “You should apologize to the Mexican people,” he added. Zapata.

According to Ecuavisaa response is expected from AMLO this April 16, during its usual Mornings.

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