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Laura Sarabia would return to the Government • La Nación

In a statement, Laura Sarabia, former chief of staff of the Petro Government will not attend the summons of the Prosecutor’s Office tomorrow until she knows in depth the reasons that give rise to the diligence.

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Through a statement, the former Chief of Staff of the Presidency, Laura Sarabia, confirmed that there is the possibility of returning to the Government to once again occupy the position she had and to continue with the assigned tasks. In addition, she assured that her call to a proceeding in the Prosecutor’s Office is due to that possibility of return.

“My trip to Washington was scheduled after the Prosecutor’s Office certified on July 28 that there were no investigations against me. However, on August 18, when the option to resume my work in the Government became known, the Prosecutor’s Office communicated the procedural novelty of hearing my version ”, says the communication from Sarabia.

In this sense, she assured that she will not attend the summons of the Prosecutor’s Office (scheduled for tomorrow) because she is in Washington and for wanting to know the complaint for which she was summoned.

“My defense has requested that we first know the content of the complaint to respond in a due manner in a voluntary diligence that was caused by ourselves to be able to give my version of the facts. This will take place on September 5, 2023. Today I reiterate that I will take the necessary steps to explain the legality of my actions and defend the innocence of my conduct.” added.

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