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Laura Rodríguez: Overcoming Facial Paralysis and Returning to Television

The actress Laura Rodríguez has participated in productions such as “Amor sincero” and “Diomedes, el cacique de la junta”, among others.

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A peripheral facial paralysis was what prevented him from moving the left part of his face. Laura Rodríguez is remembered for playing the role of Marbelle in her adolescent days in the novel ‘Sincere love’ and for her participation in the novel ‘Diomedes, el cacique de la junta’, ‘Garzón’ and the film ‘El olvido que seremos ‘.

By the year 2021, the Colombian actress had to be absent from television due to facial paralysis. Although she had had symptoms for some time, she had not been able to recognize them, according to what she recounted in an interview with Vea Magazine.

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What happened to Laura Rodríguez?

“The last week of August of that year I began to feel strange things, I was working with a venture, a role for the theater, I was with about seventy thousand things believing myself to be Wonder Woman and I began to have headaches, a general malaise, a bite below of the ear and I said ‘nothing happens’, confessed Laura.

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He also talked about the health process. “One day I had a cup of coffee and told my husband that I had been burned, but he had actually lost the feeling in half of his tongue.

Laura began all kinds of treatments for facial care, as well as for her mental and physical health, since stress was one of the main states that influenced her condition.

In the process of his recovery, he received several diagnoses from experts that were not encouraging at first. But with discipline and therapies, she managed to get ahead.

The actress, after her long recovery, is currently returning to television in a series for VIX, called “White Paradise”, playing ‘Nidia Quiñones’, the girlfriend of an agent who is pursuing ‘Carlos Lehder’, the former drug trafficker who helped found the Medellin cartel. She confesses that her role has implied several challenges, mainly because of her language, because although she has Latin ancestry, her character was born in New York, so she had to perfect her English.

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2023-08-10 22:18:43
#Laura #Rodríguez #Marbelle #returns #facial #paralysis

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