Home » Entertainment » Laura Freddi: A Blonde Icon of the Nineties Shares Her Story – Exclusive Interview

Laura Freddi: A Blonde Icon of the Nineties Shares Her Story – Exclusive Interview

We are republishing the interview with Laura Freddi from last March 18, one of the most appreciated by our readers in 2023.

“But how beautiful it is here, how big it is here, we like it too much but… it’s not Rai…”.
“I was very shy, I hid behind the fake palm leaves around the pool, hoping not to be seen.”

The only one, the others were really elbowing each other. And then in 1991 she was already 19 years old, almost old, for Gianni Boncompagni.
“He told me I looked 15, skinny, not too curvy. After a week spent camouflaging myself behind the scenery, Gianni and Irene Ghergo took me aside. “Lauretta, darling, you can’t continue like this”. I just needed to be unblocked. In the end Enrica Bonaccorti thought of it, bringing out a certain resemblance to Kim Basinger. So one day they forced me in front of the Cruciverbone – the most coveted place for all the girls – to improvise a fake and chaste striptease to the music of Nine and a Half Weeks, I was ashamed to death, I would have preferred to sing, but no, there they were necessarily dubbing”, says Laura Freddi (regular guest on Oggi è unaltro giorno, Raiuno), who was a blonde icon of those celebrated nineties and the icons remain eternally the same, lucky them: ” They still approach me on the street to recall those days, as if time had stopped.”

They called you Lolita, you girls from “Non è la Rai”.
“Gianni always behaved more than well with me, yet they pelted him with criticism, there was too much, exaggerated fury against him. Then we were wearing little make-up, innocent, disciplined. “Don’t kid yourself, this fame might not last”, they kept telling us.”

With Ambra, friends or enemies?
“Friends. We still talk today, by text message, we talk about our children.”

That wasn’t his real debut on TV.
«I had made my debut two years earlier, on a local broadcaster in Naples, Canale 34, I did telephone surveys and I wore a terrible mushroom quiff, but I destroyed the evidence, eh eh. Before I did I don’t know how many beauty contests, I didn’t like them, but I won them all, I was the queen of Ostia and Fiumicino, unlikely talent scouts left me business cards even at the bus stop, but dad tore them up.”

Then she became the blonde showgirl of “Striscia la Notizia”, ​​paired with the brunette Miriana Trevisan.
«The first talking and microphoned Showgirls, without skates and not too exuberant. With Greggio and Iacchetti I laughed a lot, as a couple they don’t fight. Enzino is still a very dear friend of mine today, I love him very much. Antonio Ricci on the other hand was never seen, as a joke I called him “the ghost”. Every now and then I asked: “But how is it made? Really exists?”. But a genius. And yes, I don’t know how many times I fell off the counter during deadlifts. But never like at the Festivalbar when, going down the stairs singing, I ended up on top of the audience, the video is still circulating on the web”.

Showgirl and footballer, she too fell for it, albeit with a delayed outcome.
“After two years, yes. I was playing Quizzone with Amadeus and I lived with Cristina Quaranta (laughs), think what courage I had, and I’m saying this because she’s a friend of mine, let’s be clear. She knew a lot of people, every now and then she would introduce me to someone. One evening he invited Fabio Galante, I didn’t want to hear of it. “Please don’t call him again.” Forget it. One evening he practically tied himself to the radiator in the house, he didn’t want to leave and at that point… I gave in.”

Three years together.
“He was young and handsome, he played for Inter, I was very jealous, but not anymore. With Fabio let’s say that there was a need, I picked up some important signals, I tried to forgive, but Milan was full of life, of distractions. Those few times I went to see him in the stands, if by chance he missed a shot, the whole stadium would turn towards me, as if it were my fault. Maybe they thought I was making them have a good life, in reality we were very homely.”

At the “Quizzone” with Gerry Scotti.
“It didn’t seem real to me. One day I repeated the ballet from Nine and a Half Weeks, behind a curtain mounted on wheels. During a movement with my leg, the hold-ups got caught in a screw and so, going down the stairs, I also dragged the screen with me. The director shouted: “Stoop!”, Gerry on the other hand was enthusiastic, he wanted to broadcast it like this».

Same program, with Amadeus.
«Together in 1995 we also conducted The Look of the Year competition in Korea. I hate planes, I’m scared, so I took tranquilizers, I didn’t sleep a wink on the flight, but on the other hand I remained dazed for three days. And I still remember the strong smell of garlic that lingered everywhere, especially in the elevators. What if I called him to be invited to Sanremo, since we are friends? It’s not like me. Of course, who wouldn’t like to go on that stage for even five minutes? »

With Claudio Bisio and the «Zelig Tour» band.
“A delirium, we traveled by minibus from north to south, we all started dancing at the lay-bys, we never slept. But working with him is simple, he makes you good and friendly. Before entering the stage, to give me courage, he offered me a drop of grappa.”

When Maurizio Costanzo called her to say “Happy Sunday”…
“I was about to hang up in his face because I thought it was a joke, plus I had a fever and the beginnings of renal colic. “Excuse me, I’m going to the emergency room, can you call me back in a few days?”. And so he did, fortunately. A wonderful time, I’d do it again tomorrow, I’m nostalgic for the TV of that time.”

You know that you have to ask the question, maybe two or three, about Paolo Bonolis, yes?
“I know, I know. What should I tell her? Paolo was the most important person among my affections, I was very young then and he was already married and a father. In the eyes of my 19 years old he was fascinating, I liked him, he entertained me, he struck me with his irony and culture. He made me watch up to three films a day, he read books to me, it was a raging river. We traveled a lot. Although with Sonia, his wife – we have now become friends, so much so that when she was absent for two episodes from Gf Vip she wanted me as a commentator in her place and it was a great gesture – we discovered that he took us on holiday in the same places: Polynesia, New York, today we laugh about it.”

Two against one, poor guy.
«I was also there at the presentation of his book Notte Fonda, last November. I wanted Sonia to write the dedication to me. And since at a certain point in the story Paolo was talking about a Japanese woman that neither she nor I had ever heard of, we put him in the middle, with a jokey scene of stereo jealousy: “And now who would this be? She speaks, confesses ”».

Sonia Bruganelli admitted that she hated her for a long time. “Then I met her: a kitten. And I no longer hated her.”
«His was a virtual hatred, perhaps he had idealized my figure, but the five and a half years I spent with Paolo are a crumb compared to their marriage. Why did I leave him? We loved each other very much and parting was painful for both of us. I wanted more, a family, but the timing was wrong, our times didn’t coincide.”

What was it that you really couldn’t stand about him?
“He drove terrible cars, like an old metallic blue Escort with a white mirror that had been wrecked, a wreck, I was ashamed to go around in it. Paolo, on the other hand, didn’t pay attention to it. Watches, cars, clothes, he was spartan, thrifty. Once, as a guest of my parents, in Acilia, he wanted a cigarette, there were none in the house; he therefore went around the whole palace, door to door, to get one offered. In a bathrobe and slippers. Gifts? Yes. I remember a terrible set of yellow suitcases.”

More or less in those years Nek sang: “Laura isn’t here, she’s gone…”.
“Once the anger passed, Paolo and I joked about it. And Nek became one of my best friends. I met him on the Superclassifica show and we always stayed in touch, we have a special bond, he often came to me on the radio, I ask him for advice, I like people with positive energy, like him.”

He went through a rough time a while ago.
«Because of a work dispute that lasted 12 years and which drained my finances. Unfortunately, you don’t always meet honest people. I had signed documents that I shouldn’t have signed and to defend myself I burned all my savings, I even had to sell the house I was still paying for. I could have made a Christmas tree with the green foreclosure notice cards. I recovered with the fee from Big Brother VIP, a holy hand.”

Speaking of hands: she met Leonardo D’Amico, her partner, by hurting three fingers during a beach volleyball match.
“I started playing late, at 36 years old, and I was a no-brainer. During a tournament I took a terrible blow, I couldn’t get over it, my coach recommended the national physiotherapist to me. It was Leonardo. We became friends. We talked, we talked. I sent him signals, but he did nothing, he was from…».

“Yes, yes. I asked myself: “But why doesn’t this guy try?” Then I started to provoke him. I invited him to come up to me. “No thank you”. Then he explained to me that he didn’t trust me, he wanted to make sure I was taken. One day he calls me: “I’ll come for a coffee in ten minutes”. Panic. I was dressed for home, I took a quick shower. Ready.”

“It’s finally been decided, hallelujah.”

2024-01-01 06:19:13

#Freddi #Bonolis #young #married #work #lawsuit #drained #finances

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TV.<br/>«I had made my debut two years earlier, on a local broadcaster in Naples, Canale 34, I did telephone surveys and I wore a terrible mushroom quiff, but I destroyed the evidence, eh eh. Before I did I don't know how many beauty contests, I didn't like them, but I won them all, I was the queen of Ostia and Fiumicino, unlikely talent scouts left me business cards even at the bus stop, but dad tore them up."\r\n</p>\r\n<p class="chapter-paragraph">\r\nThen she became the blonde showgirl of "Striscia la Notizia", ​​paired with the brunette Miriana Trevisan.<br/> «The first talking and microphoned Showgirls, without skates and not too exuberant. With Greggio and Iacchetti I laughed a lot, as a couple they don't fight. Enzino is still a very dear friend of mine today, I love him very much. Antonio Ricci on the other hand was never seen, as a joke I called him "the ghost". Every now and then I asked: “But how is it made? Really exists?". But a genius. And yes, I don't know how many times I fell off the counter during deadlifts. But never like at the Festivalbar when, going down the stairs singing, I ended up on top of the audience, the video is still circulating on the web". </p>\r\n<p class="chapter-paragraph">\r\nShowgirl and footballer, she too fell for it, albeit with a delayed outcome.<br/>“After two years, yes. I was playing Quizzone with Amadeus and I lived with Cristina Quaranta (laughs), think what courage I had, and I'm saying this because she's a friend of mine, let's be clear. She knew a lot of people, every now and then she would introduce me to someone. One evening he invited Fabio Galante, I didn't want to hear of it. “Please don't call him again.” Forget it. One evening he practically tied himself to the radiator in the house, he didn't want to leave and at that point... I gave in." \r\n</p>\r\n<p class="chapter-paragraph">\r\nThree years together.<br/>“He was young and handsome, he played for Inter, I was very jealous, but not anymore. With Fabio let's say that there was a need, I picked up some important signals, I tried to forgive, but Milan was full of life, of distractions. Those few times I went to see him in the stands, if by chance he missed a shot, the whole stadium would turn towards me, as if it were my fault. Maybe they thought I was making them have a good life, in reality we were very homely." </p>\r\n<p class="chapter-paragraph">\r\nAt the "Quizzone" with Gerry Scotti. <br/>“It didn’t seem real to me. One day I repeated the ballet from Nine and a Half Weeks, behind a curtain mounted on wheels. During a movement with my leg, the hold-ups got caught in a screw and so, going down the stairs, I also dragged the screen with me. The director shouted: “Stoop!”, Gerry on the other hand was enthusiastic, he wanted to broadcast it like this». \r\n</p>\r\n<p class="chapter-paragraph">\r\nSame program, with Amadeus.<br/> «Together in 1995 we also conducted The Look of the Year competition in Korea. I hate planes, I'm scared, so I took tranquilizers, I didn't sleep a wink on the flight, but on the other hand I remained dazed for three days. And I still remember the strong smell of garlic that lingered everywhere, especially in the elevators. What if I called him to be invited to Sanremo, since we are friends? It's not like me. Of course, who wouldn't like to go on that stage for even five minutes? »\r\n</p>\r\n<p class="chapter-paragraph">\r\nWith Claudio Bisio and the «Zelig Tour» band.<br/>“A delirium, we traveled by minibus from north to south, we all started dancing at the lay-bys, we never slept. But working with him is simple, he makes you good and friendly. Before entering the stage, to give me courage, he offered me a drop of grappa." \r\n</p>\r\n<p class="chapter-paragraph">\r\nWhen Maurizio Costanzo called her to say "Happy Sunday"...<br/>“I was about to hang up in his face because I thought it was a joke, plus I had a fever and the beginnings of renal colic. “Excuse me, I'm going to the emergency room, can you call me back in a few days?”. And so he did, fortunately. A wonderful time, I'd do it again tomorrow, I'm nostalgic for the TV of that time."\r\n</p>\r\n<p class="chapter-paragraph">\r\nYou know that you have to ask the question, maybe two or three, about Paolo Bonolis, yes?<br/>“I know, I know. What should I tell her? Paolo was the most important person among my affections, I was very young then and he was already married and a father. In the eyes of my 19 years old he was fascinating, I liked him, he entertained me, he struck me with his irony and culture. He made me watch up to three films a day, he read books to me, it was a raging river. We traveled a lot. Although with Sonia, his wife - we have now become friends, so much so that when she was absent for two episodes from Gf Vip she wanted me as a commentator in her place and it was a great gesture - we discovered that he took us on holiday in the same places: Polynesia, New York, today we laugh about it."\r\n</p>\r\n<p class="chapter-paragraph">\r\nTwo against one, poor guy. <br/>«I was also there at the presentation of his book Notte Fonda, last November. I wanted Sonia to write the dedication to me. And since at a certain point in the story Paolo was talking about a Japanese woman that neither she nor I had ever heard of, we put him in the middle, with a jokey scene of stereo jealousy: “And now who would this be? She speaks, confesses ”». </p>\r\n<p class="chapter-paragraph">\r\nSonia Bruganelli admitted that she hated her for a long time. “Then I met her: a kitten. And I no longer hated her."<br/>«His was a virtual hatred, perhaps he had idealized my figure, but the five and a half years I spent with Paolo are a crumb compared to their marriage. Why did I leave him? We loved each other very much and parting was painful for both of us. I wanted more, a family, but the timing was wrong, our times didn't coincide."\r\n</p>\r\n<p class="chapter-paragraph">\r\nWhat was it that you really couldn't stand about him?<br/>“He drove terrible cars, like an old metallic blue Escort with a white mirror that had been wrecked, a wreck, I was ashamed to go around in it. Paolo, on the other hand, didn't pay attention to it. Watches, cars, clothes, he was spartan, thrifty. Once, as a guest of my parents, in Acilia, he wanted a cigarette, there were none in the house; he therefore went around the whole palace, door to door, to get one offered. In a bathrobe and slippers. Gifts? Yes. I remember a terrible set of yellow suitcases." </p>\r\n<p class="chapter-paragraph">\r\nMore or less in those years Nek sang: "Laura isn't here, she's gone...".<br/>“Once the anger passed, Paolo and I joked about it. And Nek became one of my best friends. I met him on the Superclassifica show and we always stayed in touch, we have a special bond, he often came to me on the radio, I ask him for advice, I like people with positive energy, like him."\r\n</p>\r\n<p class="chapter-paragraph">\r\nHe went through a rough time a while ago. <br/>«Because of a work dispute that lasted 12 years and which drained my finances. Unfortunately, you don't always meet honest people. I had signed documents that I shouldn't have signed and to defend myself I burned all my savings, I even had to sell the house I was still paying for. I could have made a Christmas tree with the green foreclosure notice cards. I recovered with the fee from Big Brother VIP, a holy hand."\r\n</p>\r\n<p class="chapter-paragraph">\r\nSpeaking of hands: she met Leonardo D'Amico, her partner, by hurting three fingers during a beach volleyball match.<br/>“I started playing late, at 36 years old, and I was a no-brainer. During a tournament I took a terrible blow, I couldn't get over it, my coach recommended the national physiotherapist to me. It was Leonardo. We became friends. We talked, we talked. I sent him signals, but he did nothing, he was from...».\r\n</p>\r\n<p class="chapter-paragraph">\r\nEarthenware.<br/>“Yes, yes. I asked myself: “But why doesn't this guy try?” Then I started to provoke him. I invited him to come up to me. "No thank you". Then he explained to me that he didn't trust me, he wanted to make sure I was taken. One day he calls me: “I'll come for a coffee in ten minutes”. Panic. I was dressed for home, I took a quick shower. Ready." \r\n</p>\r\n<p class="chapter-paragraph">\r\nE?<br/>"It's finally been decided, hallelujah."</p>\r\n \r\n \r\n2024-01-01 06:19:13\r\n</br>\r\n#Freddi #Bonolis #young #married #work #lawsuit #drained #finances ?">

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