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Laura Escanes returns to social networks to explain her absence: “I have had moments of great weakness”


The influencer and model Laura Escanes has returned at social networks ten days after announcing your temporary goodbye and has explained the reason for his absence during this last week.

Laura Escanes he is living a very different summer than he would have imagined, although always hand in hand with his inseparable Risto Mejide and their daughter in common, Roma. Ten days ago, on August 11, the model e influence decided to withdraw from social networks to focus on her family and herself, justifying her decision that “the most important thing is the mental health each”.

Although we have not seen her record the content that is usual in her, her followers have not lost sight of her thanks to her husband, the publicist and television presenter Risto Mejide, who has been in charge during this week of letting us know that Laura was in perfect condition and enjoying the holidays to the fullest.

The model surprised her followers yesterday with a couple of new videos on her account. TikTok. To the rhythm of remix de 911 from Jhay Cortez and Sech And with a brief message, the influencer let her followers fall that, for now, things are going smoothly and that we may soon be able to see her up and running again on her Twitter and Instagram accounts. “Everything’s fine”said Laura Escanes in one of the TikTok videos.

However, a few hours later, the influencer has reappeared in Instagram, after this blackout, to thank the support from his followers and to be honest about the reason for this hiatus, something that she had not done since her profession of influencing made her known throughout Spain.

“10 days ago I deleted the Instagram application from my mobile. For more than 6 years I had never done that. I guess everyone at some point we need to stop“Explained the model, who claimed not to be now in her best moment.” I’m not going to lie to you, I’ve had better times. There are many battles that I don’t count around here, I suppose to protect my people, to protect me. ”

“This last year I have had moments of a lot of weakness, many doubts about infinite things, many fears, insecurities and loss of people that I have wanted and will always want. I read something the other day that said, “You can handle everything, but not everything at once.” A) Yes, Laura Escanes sHe was sincere about the difficult professional and personal year that he has gone through and that has finally made him decide distance yourself from social media temporarily

To finish, the influencer wanted to thank the support of all her followers and her family in these Hard moments, for having put up with her “when I can’t even stand myself.” She has also had good words for herself for showing her weaknesses “when she felt like it.” “Show that we are not always strong, makes us strong. So little by little No hurry“concluded Laura Escanes.

We do not know if this is an end point for this disappearance of the social networks of Laura Escanes, but what is clear is that he is enjoying this vacation away from social networks, but closer than ever to his family.

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