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Laura Berman: 16-year-old son dies

02/11/2021 7:12 pm

In the age of social media, drugs are far too easy to get hold of. This also puts children at risk. The sad case of Laura Berman and her beloved son shows how bad dealing on Snapchat is, for example.

Best-selling author, relationship therapist and TV and radio host Laura Berman is currently going through the worst a mother can imagine: her child has died. Son Sam is only 16 years old. The reason for his death: an accidental overdose. He is said to have received this via Snapchat – Laura is now warning.

Death in the nursery

The 52-year-old published an emotional post on Instagram that is dedicated to her son and expresses all of her pain: “My beautiful boy is gone. 16 years old. ”Sam died in his nursery – you can feel Laura’s pain in every line. “My heart is broken and I don’t know how to keep breathing,” writes the devastated mother.

Drugs on Snapchat

The reason for his death is said to have been an accidental overdose. He is said to have received this from a dealer on Snapchat: “A drug dealer contacted him on Snapchat and gave him Xanax or Percocet (drug made from paracetamol and oxycodone) diluted with fentanyl and he overdosed in his room. “

Check out this post on Instagram A post shared by Laura Berman (@drlauraberman)

Snapchat as a dealer paradise

According to Laura, this Snapchat deal is a new scam on the drug scene: “They do it because it makes people more addictive and good for the business, but it leads to overdoses and the kids don’t know what they’re taking.” hopes that the death of their beloved son will be a chilling example for parents and appeals to caution: “Please keep an eye on your children and CHECK SNAPCHAT especially! That’s where they can get to the children. “

Sam is remembered

For Laura, the death of her son is even more terrifying because he never came into contact with drugs before the overdose and had no affinity for drugs: “We took care of him like that. He was an A student. Got ready for college. An experiment went wrong. He got the drugs delivered to his home. ”But Laura doesn’t give up, she stays strong. In memory of her son, and because he would have wanted it that way, her planned project, a podcast, will be released on February 14th. (AKo)

Check out this post on Instagram A post shared by Laura Berman (@drlauraberman)

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