10:52 PM
Friday, February 24, 2023
Your Right to Organize Campaign
Books – Ahmed Gomaa:
The Ministry of Health and Population announced the launch of an expanded free service and awareness campaign for reproductive health in 26 governorates, under the slogan “Your Right to Organize”, during the period from February 25 to March 8.
The campaign comes within the framework of efforts and directives of Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Health and Population, to provide quality family planning and reproductive health services in the fixed units of the ministry and mobile clinics spread in cities and villages nationwide.
Dr. Hossam Abdel Ghaffar, the official spokesman for the Ministry of Health and Population, stated that the “Your Right to Organize” campaign will be implemented in two phases, the first phase starting from February 25 to March 1, and the second phase from March 4 to 8, 2023, pointing to the continuation of the knocking on doors campaign. for family planning in Assiut governorate until the end of next March, which started since last December.
Abdel Ghaffar added that the “Your Right to Organize” campaign provides counseling, family planning and reproductive health services through specialists, after signing a medical examination. The Ministry is keen to provide many distinct means to satisfy all beneficiaries, raise rates of use and reduce rates of childbearing.
For his part, Dr. Hossam Abbas, Head of the Population and Family Planning Sector, indicated that during the “Your Right to Organize” campaign, the focus will be on activities that are concerned with empowering women with the aim of developing the family and raising its economic level through training women and developing their skills within the activities provided by women’s clubs in the stationary units deployed. At the level of the governorates of the Republic, in order to manufacture various products such as clothing, knitting works, leather goods, and various food products to be displayed in women’s clubs through exhibitions that are implemented within the activities of convoys and campaigns that the sector implements, to raise the economic level of Egyptian families, and help women organize their families.
Dr. Duaa Muhammad, Head of the Central Administration for Family Planning and Reproductive Health Services, said that information seminars are being implemented at the level of the directorates and departments of the Republic under the titles (Men’s Words) to address men, and (Whisper for your health) for women who are housewives of childbearing age, and (My protector is my life) for women. Mothers-in-law and elderly mothers-in-law, (My Organization) for working women and government employees of childbearing age, and (Our Family is Perfect), which are meetings for young people, in addition to theatrical performances and cultural activities in cultural palaces and youth centers. These seminars revolve around the role of men and their participation in the decision to plan the family and support health Women and the role of youth in advocating for family planning, raising awareness of adolescence, responding to rumors about family planning methods, and the concept of family planning and its impact on the health of the mother and child.