-[로이슈 편도욱 기자]
The health functional food’Centrum Calcium + D Mini’ will be sold in Korea from February 1. This product is the first to be launched in Korea among the global markets.
The new product’Centrum Calcium + D Mini’ is a health functional food for intensive care for bone and muscle health, including three essential nutrients △calcium △vitamin D △magnesium, and △zinc, which is helpful for normal immune function and antioxidant. It contains a total of 6 nutrients, including △copper and △manganese.
The new’Centrum Calcium + D Mini’ meets 100% of the average daily calcium requirement of women aged 50-64 in Korea, and also fills 15 μg of vitamin D, which is 150% of the daily sufficient intake in adulthood.
Intake method is to take 2 tablets with water once a day, and store them in a cool dry place.
Reporter Pyeon Do-wook, Royshu, [email protected]
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