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Launch parties for the 4th edition of my GO New York paper guide to Paris and Bordeaux

To launch the 4th edition of my GO New York paper guide, whose official release is October 5, 2022, I am organizing 2 events with my team: one in Paris on Friday 30 September and one in Bordeaux on Friday 7 October.
Here is all the info for these 2 events.

Friday 30 September: official launch in Paris

As with previous editions, the official launch of my GO New York paper guide will take place in Paris.

Where will the event be?

The event will be held in the bar of theMoxy Bastille hotel in Paris which is located at: 34/36 Rue St Sabin, 75011 Paris.
Loving the common areas of the Moxy hotels and especially the New York ones, I’m super happy to do it there!
You will see that it will be fantastic!

What are the times of the event?

Will start September 30th at 7pm and it will end around 9:00 pm, 10:00 pm… in short, whenever you want. 🙂

Who will be present at the event?

You’ll be there first, the French Yorkers (places are limited).

Private bathroom our main partners for printed guides will also be present, that is: the airline American Airlines and the network of travel agencies Tourcom.

After we will have Lisa of my internal communication and marketing team Journey in French.

And finally, moi Certain. 🙂

What can we do during the event?

Here are the 6 phases of the event:

1 / First of all I will give you a brief presentation of the guide, how we thought and designed it, new features, information to know …

2 / I’ll leave a note to my driving partners for a few minutes.

3 / I’m showing you a video I shot in New York exclusively for you and this launch!

4 / During the evening you will be able to discover my new printed guide and if you want you can also buy it in preview. We will have some copies with us! And I will dedicate it to those who want it.

5 / Then we can have a toast while chatting in New York, New York, New York, New York! 🙂

6 / And if you are wise, there may be some surprises such as small gifts, guests, small events in the event …

How to register for the event?

Friday 7 October: official launch in Bordeaux

Where will the event be?

This event will take place in my offices in Bordeaux, at 35 rue Ausone.

What are the times of the event?

I invite you to come from 6:30 pm and it will end around 9:10 pm… in short, whenever you want. 🙂

Who will be present at the event?

You’ll be there first, the French Yorkers.
Then we will have a small part of my team of Journey in Frenchand me of course.

What can we do during the event?

Here are the 6 phases of the event:

1 / First of all I will give you a brief presentation of the guide, how we thought and designed it, new features, information to know …

2 / I’m showing you a video I shot in New York exclusively for you and this launch!

2 / During the evening you can discover my new printed guide and if you want you can also buy it in preview. We will have some copies with us! And I will dedicate it to those who want it.

4 / Then we can have a toast while chatting in New York, New York, New York, New York! 🙂

5 / And if you are good, there may be surprises such as gifts …

How to register for the event?

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