Home » today » Business » ‘Latvijas gāze’ plans to pay 15 million euros in dividends from shareholders’ profit for the first quarter

‘Latvijas gāze’ plans to pay 15 million euros in dividends from shareholders’ profit for the first quarter

Latvian gas“It is planned to pay 15 million euros in dividends to shareholders from the profit of the first quarter, according to the company ‘s first quarter report.

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It is planned to pay 0.37593985 euros in dividends per share. The remaining part of the profit in the amount of 58.984 million euros is planned to be transferred to reserves.

The issue of extraordinary dividend payment is also included in the agenda of the regular shareholders’ meeting of Latvijas gāze on June 27. In addition to this issue, shareholders will also decide on the use of last year’s profit.

At the same time, it is planned to approve the report of the previous year, to approve the financial report of the first quarter of this year. It is also planned to hear the reports of the Board, the Council, the Audit Committee and the opinion of the sworn auditor at the shareholders’ meeting, it is also planned to elect the auditor and determine his / her remuneration.

According to preliminary data, the turnover of the Latvian Gas Group in 2021 was 583.342 million euros, which is three times more than in 2020, but the company’s profit decreased 3.4 times – to 3.2 million euros.

The company ‘s largest shareholders are RussiaGazprom“(34%), as well as” Marguerite Gas II.Sarl “(28.97%),” Uniper Ruhrgas International GmbH “(18.26%) and SIA”Itera Latvia (16%). Latvian gas shares listed on stock exchangeNasdaq Riga“.

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